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Well now that the tallest and most of the Irkens are dead I guess I'll go travel through space! I always had a crush though on one of the Irken Invader's her name was Hannah. (I know it's the same name as the cashier from hot topic... just go with it. XD)  So I set the coordinates to hobo 13 sense she somehow took over that planet. After a few minutes later I arrived at Hobo 13. I then gently landed my voot crusier on the rough rocky land. After my landing I jumped outta my crusier and looked for the palace. After about a minute a two I found a huge black and green palace I assumed this was where she lived sense that was her favorite colors. I knocked on the door and started to feel a bit anxious. She then opened the door and smiled warm heartingly,which made my heart beat faster. I then blushed a little and asled if I could come inside. She shook her head and said "Sure Zimmy!" then she giggled. I looked at her confused and said, Zimmy? She nodded and said "Yes Zimmy I always liked you you know?" I felt my hands sweat this sounded to good to be true and then I spoke stuttering a little bit saying, You m-mean as fri-friends right? She then shook her no blushing a bit and said "No I honestly had feelings for you sense day one when we meet at Invader camp,I just didn't wanna tell you so you wouldn't hate me." I was shocked that she actually loved me, I then told her, you know I love you t-too! Each word I said I felt my face become hotter and hotter. She then smiled and hugged me. I smiled back and returned the hug as well but then something happened that was amazing! Before we broke the hug she kissed me! I felt my eyes grow wide and then I slowly closed them. I As we kissed I felt lots of pleasure, I felt my heart touch my chest really quickly,I felt my blush become the biggest blush ever in my life,I also felt butterflies in my belly. After a few minutes we sadly had to break the kiss we then gasped for air and starred at each other weirdly and gulped. Then I asked her If she wanted to explore space with me. She then smiled and said "That would be a pleasure." Then we both hopped inside the voot ready to explore space together... as a couple. A happy couple.

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