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(Zims pov)-

Ounce I arrived at the armada,I landed my voot cruiser by a near by planet and used my pak jets to fly over their,ounce I arrived I knocked on the door. Then the intercom came on and asked who it was. I told them Zim. They didn't seem to happy after that,they just kept sighing and sounded annoyed and let me me in though. It's been awhile sense I been in the armada so it was like a kid in a candy store,as humans called it. I then finally found the main room where Tallest Red and Purple were sitting at watching space and eating donuts like always. I then walked behind them and poked at Tallest Purple he then jumped and Red did as well. Then they looked behind them and saw the amazing Zim! They both rolled their eyes for some reason though I couldn't think why the would do that. Then I cleared my throat and told them I finished my mission the humans are dead! Its a deathland now! Ready for Irken Conquest! I then smiled... but then my smile slowly faded ounce I noticed the Tallest didn't seem happy what so ever. I then asked them, is something wrong? Purple then asked red "should we tell him" Then Red just nodded. I jumped in the air trying to reach eye contact but didn't jump that high,and asked them what was going on? Purple then sighed and said "Look Zim,you're mission is fake,your a defective Zim,a disgrace to the Irken society including us,we honestly sent you to Earth so you could die but some how you found a way to live,but to get to the point we don't want Earth or you anymore,so now you are no longer able to be on Irken property or call us ever!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing I felta tear slip down my cheek,and only defects could cry... so I knew the Tallest were right about that but their not gonna get away with being jerks to me this whole time,without a fight. I then looked at the Tallest and said,Let's fight." They then busted out laughing and then ounce they could breathe again Tallest Red cleared his throat and said "Look Zim you're a defective! Just go already... LEAVE US ALONE! I then felt anger bubble up inside me and kicked Tallest Red shin causing him to have a broken knee cap,then I smirked at Tallest Purple and kicked him but for some reason he didn't fall or break any bones,so I used my Pak legs and detached both of the Tallest paks and then said to then,Bye hope you go to Space Prison! Then I hurried up and ran outta their before any soldiers came after me,ounce I got outta the armada I threw a death bomb at the armada causing all the soldiers to die as well as the stupid Tallest. I smirked evily hearing screams come outta the armada before their death hit them. Then something happened that I didn't expect what so ever... 

To be continued... 

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