"Jumping isn't going to bring Kokana back to life! Think about what you're doing!" She struggled in her grip. "Saki stop!" You let go of her for a moment and slapped her across the face. "You are making the worst decision in your life! Kokana would not have wanted you to kill yourself over her dead body. We might not understand why Kokana died but I know damn well for sure she wouldn't want you to suffer the same fate as she did! Get a hold of yourself!" Saki held the side of her face surprised that you had slapped her. She nodded. "I'm going to go tell a teacher." She quickly put on her shoes and ran off.

You looked down at the note in Kokana's shoe. You wanted to pick it up but knew that it wasn't for you. You walked away and ran a hand through your hair. "What the fuck is happening? First Amai, then Nemesis, now Kokana." You picked up your bag and walked to the Occult club. You knocked on the door before entering. "Y/n." Oka was sitting in the center of the room with a book in her hand. "Don't you feel lonely?" She shook her head. "I feel fine. Why have you come to visit?"

"I just witnessed a suicide and attempted suicide."


"Kokana and Saki." Oka said nothing and continued to stare at you as you sat down across from her. "Why are you sitting in the center?"

"I'm glad you asked." A smile quickly appeared on Oka's face as her hair was slowly lifted up by a draft of air coming from the pentagon she was sitting in. You quickly got up and took a huge step back. "Oka?" You called out to her. The person standing in front of you wasn't Oka anymore. "What the fuck is happening?" You repeated those same words again. "Oka's not here anymore child." The being took a step towards you. You stepped forward and hit it with your bag before bolting out of the Occult club and down the hall. "Come back!" Its voice was distorted as it ran after you.

You passed by other students who were just as scared as you were. "What the hell is happening?" Someone screamed. The entire school was a mess. The walls were filled with blood and there were dead bodies everywhere. You turned the corner and bumped into Megami and Osana. "There you are y/n." Osana had a twisted smile on her face and she was holding a bloody knife. Megami had the head of a student in her hand. You pulled out the knife Ayano gave you.

"Fuck off!" Osana lunged at you. You dodged her and kicked her in the face causing her to crash into a classroom. The classroom was full of blood and dead bodies as well. Students around you were screaming and crying. Megami stood there with the head of the student and made no attempt to attack you. She smiled at you. "Bye y/n." She pulled a gun out of her shirt and shot herself in the head. You looked in the classroom to see Osana no longer there. "Fuck."

You wasted no time and ran down the hallway and down the stairs to the first floor. No one else was in the school, it was just full of dead bodies of students and teachers. Headmaster! 

You ran back upstairs and to the headmaster's room. The doors were closed. You stood outside gasping for air. Damn if Asu was here she wouldn't be out of breath. You set your bag down and hesitantly opened the door. The sight inside made you collapse to your knees.

The entire room had blood dripping from the ceiling and the walls. It was like a slaughterhouse. Six bodies were hanging from the ceiling. You recognized all of them. From left to right was, Info-chan, Amai, Saki, Supana, Oka, and lastly Ayano. Ayano out of the six was the only one smiling. "Ayano."

The headmaster was sitting at his desk smiling. Next to him were four girls. All of them were part of the Student Council. The only one missing was Megami. She had killed herself in front of you.

From left to right was, Akane, Kuroko, Aoi, and Shiromi. They were all smiling at you. "I hate all of you!! You did this!!" You stepped into the room and looked up at the six bodies hanging. You felt hot tears slide down your face as you looked up at Ayano. "I'm sorry." You whispered. You looked down at the knife in your hand. It was the only way out of this terrible nightmare. The six bodies fell to the ground as the rope disappeared from around their necks.

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