The taller pointed to the main dancer ,

_ Ah ! ... Byun B-.. Bea- naah wait !. Said Jongin

He jumped to his table , searching in some papers

_ Byun Baekhyun. Said jongin while paying all his attention to the paper between his hands, Chanyeol took that paper.

He read the written words carefully


"21 YEARS"


The baby's image went through his mind, "He's like single moms ?"

_ Extraño. (Weird)

The taller whispered while looking to the boy behind the glass wall.

_ Lo sé. (I know.) Said Jongin.

_ Eh! Your Spanish improved those days.Said Chanyeol with a funny tone.

His entire mind was taken by the beauty of the boy out there

The younger giggled while holding some papers "Gracias" (Thanks) , checking the Heroine and Methadone examples.

The taller smiled, then, in a split of a sec , his face gained the same cold look again

_I think I need to go now, have a good night.

He said then got out from the office calmly, he took off his coat and glared at his watch. 11:34PM.

The weather was extremely cold, yet he decided not to wear it again, instead, he went to the dark alley where the little baby was left alone.

He actually couldn't remember the way out, until he heard the baby crying.

And for the 2nd time this night, he thought about the boy and the baby...

The voice of the baby became louder so he moved faster to the alley, reaching the place.

He looked intently to the small figure and found out that he was crying because he's cold! Both of his hands and legs were naked, he held him...

His eyes were something else, Park was amazed, he had a sea green and navy eyes ...

_Està bien bebe. (It's okay child)

He whispered and hugged him,

_You're safe. Calm down.

He said, but instead the baby's voice got louder and louder, without thinking, he took his big expensive coat and enfolded him in it, he needs to be warm right ?


The baby is still crying, he even put one of his small hands in Chan's neck, squeezing his face on Chan's collarbone.

Park closed his eyes,

"What should I do to calm him ?"

He took a deep breath before he started singing with his husky voice

_ "So rockabye baby rockabye

I'm gonna rock you

Rockabye baby ,don't you cry

Rockabye, don't bother to cry,lift your head up

Lift it up to the sky ~"

He sighed calmly when the baby stopped crying

_Your favorite before-sleeping song hmm

Park whispered while putting the child back

_ Mantenerse a salvo (Be safe).

He glanced at him and the coat for the last time, he was thinking about how unique the boy was, too different eyes, a small nose and cute pink marshmallow petite lips...

He came back to the club, then called one of his men "follow me".

He murmured something to the man, the guard seemed very shocked

_ Do it!

He ordered him and sat on the coach leaving the man with a weird look on his face.


          01:22 AM

_ Good job Baek!

His friend told him, yet he didn't respond and took off the stripping clothes then wore his coat and quickly ran to the exit door hoping his baby is okay.

The fact that the child shared with him his bad life made the boy like the little angel even more...

He hugged the child, but he noticed a bag next to him, he never had a bag so he tried to open it ...

It was odd yet really happy to see

10 different little pajamas in the boy's size, an amount of bonnets and all what the baby needs of clothes, 2 milk powders, and hot water.

He turned around trying to find out who left it here, but no one was there...

He saw a black paper, so he tried to read it, it was too words, sounds like English (UN FAVOR) written in white.

He didn't understand and pouted ...

But he was thankful





1142 word.

Please leave a comment if you found some mistakes ... ENJOY ♥

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