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Our first stop on Tour De Emo is Brallon.Media in Germany. Very little is known about Brallon.Media because the website is in German and I can't read German. All I know is that it has something to do with "AudioVision" and video production.

We are going to tour the headquarters (if they let us in) and hopefully compare Brallon.Media to the Brallon ship. I have a feeling they will having nothing to do with each other at all (besides the name).

Oh and if anybody here is a strong Ryden supporter and feels revolted by the mere thought of Brallon then you may stay on the bus. I would recommend you watch Ryden compilations on the TV's (channel 12). Just keep the volume low so the Brallon shippers can enjoy Brallon.Media.

After that we will spend the evening at Frankenwall which is South of Brallon.Media. I have literally no idea what it is. But it sounds like Frank Iero so I'm in! We will go sit near it and draw pictures of Frank Iero in the sun.

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