x. that's the game: part 1

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Kate walked into studio 1 where their six dancers of B-Troupe stood in unison feeling super excited, as they had an upcoming competition to attend, and therefore, everything had to be perfect for this was a rare occurrence, a natural disaster of dance that somehow graced the audience occasionally. "Alright, we need to begin." Kate said as then she began to give the choreography for the group routine that they were to preform.

Alexa stormed in, "I heard there's a spot open on B-Troupe?" She asked, her head tilted. "Because I would love it and to be honest, I love this place." The noise almost came as acting by some, though to others, the tone in her voice made things sound eerily off, as if she did not even want to be there, as if she was in a play of some sorts.

"Yeah, there is, though you're gonna have to audition." Kate said and then Alexa smiled.

"Oh, I'll audition. I'll give you the best performance of your life." Alexa said joyfully and then Inside Out began to play she did a beautiful contemporary piece, and then Retwist turned on and she did an amazing hip hop routine. Kate was both shocked, surprised and amused at how the girl could do two completely different styles, for internationals, they needed her on the team.

Unfortunately, she had to leave last time she had joined due to the uproar that sunk in from her sister, who hated how her sister was on the team with her at the time, her parents forced her to leave because Jacquie had more to stay for - a boyfriend, a best friend, though now, none of those mattered at all. Noah who? She had no one to turn to fore she'd lost her best friend to Ozzy's stupid campaign. This could no longer happen under any circumstances.

"And I can do much more then that, Acro, jazz, tap, ballet. You name it." The girl seemed to be the real deal.

"You're on A-Troupe, anyway, I have brought in Noah here-" Noah walked in, feeling a sense of pride that he could do something and not have to worry over being hated on, like the campaign, as he had just lost his girlfriend the day before and needed some hope in his life. The feeling of dread mixed with sorrow was not good enough for him, he needed to move on; he needed that green light.

Alexa turned to Noah. "You know Ozzy, right?" Alexa asked.

"Yeah, he's my best bro, I mean I'm not exactly on good terms with him right now, though I could maybe try to talk to him..." Noah said.

"I've seen him around in my school, and I want him to know that I think he's cute." Noah had heard of the whole Richelle-Ally rumours floating around of how Ozzy could not decide on who to date, and this would only make things complicated further, though he did not care. Ozzy needed his comeuppance for being the cause of his and the best thing that had ever happened to him's dispersing of the two parties. This would be surefire payback. Revenge to execute internally; Ozzy sucked at telling someone no, so this would be the best thing yet.

The weapon of choice was Alexa, the war was for revenge, and who, at this point, knew the sides?

After class, Noah lead Alexa down to Shakes And Ladders. "Ozzy - this is Alexa. She's a new dancer on B-Troupe and she admits to have seen you in the hallways at school and thinks you're cute." Noah restated, a playful grin on Ozzy's face. Then, Noah walked off, leaving them to talk to one another.


Richelle sighed as she fiddled with her blue pointe shoes in the locker room. She frowned at what was going on to her, she was injured, again, and had no way to tell if something was serious or not, though feared to go to a professional on the matter. What was she to do?

Ozzy walked in and sat down next to her. "So hey.... What's going on?" They'd yet to have a full talk since Richelle had marked it in the battle against the TNS faculty and the dancers, "you looked pretty.... Hurt at the competition?"

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