"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable" Seth said scooting closer to me.

"Seth you've never had a girlfriend, have you?" I asked opening my eyes and smiling at him.

"Is it that obvious?" Seth asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Well you didn't know that girls loved to be cuddled, so a little but I like it, your innocence. I feel special knowing that I'm your first girlfriend, feels like an honour" I said smiling happily at Seth, putting my hand on his cheek.

"Would it be bad if I kissed you right now?" Seth asked nervously

"No" I stated causing Seth to lean in. I felt shocks go through my body and butterflies in my stomach as his soft lips moved against mine, I'd never felt this before with any of the boys I'd kissed. Everything with Seth was so different to anyone else before him, so special and unique. I never wanted to be with anyone else but him because I knew I'd never find someone again who makes me feel this way. In this moment with our lips meeting for the first time I knew I was done for, I'm completely, no doubts at all, in love with Seth Clearwater.

"You weren't kidding your lips are freezing" Seth said as we pulled apart causing me to laugh. "Edward should have picked a sight further down" Seth said hugging me closer.

"I'll be fine as long as you're here, your like a heater" I said snuggling into him.

"I'm not going anywhere" Seth said pecking my lips.

The wind has died. The ground is white with snow, the campsite eerily quiet. Seth sits next to me in his wolf form so he can communicate with the pack and protect Bella and I if something happens, I snuggle into his warm fur trying to stay as warm as possible on this freezing mountain. Bella's tent unzups and Bella climbs out.

"Hi, Willow, Seth." Bella says

"Morning Bella" I say as she walks past us to Edward.

"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." Bella asks getting cut off bt edward

"Not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." Edward said as He wraps his arms around her. Seths-wolf jogs off, I stay seated knowing he'll be back soon.

"I'm really sorry about last night. I couldn't have been easy on you" Bella said.

"It definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings." Edward said, the two conversing like I wasn't even there

"You have a list?" Bella asked

"All ten I spent with you. Number one is when you said you'd marry me. Mrs. Cullen."

'This is the twenty-first century, I always wanna hyphenate my name." Bella said.

"You're marrying him?" Jacob asks appearing out of nowhere. His face is devastated, fighting tears of rage and betrayal.

"Jake?" Bella said before turning to Edward and stating "You knew he was listening?"

"He deserves to know." Edward said. Which confirms for Jacob that it's true. He turns, strides toward the woods. Bella starts to run after him.

"Dick move" I said to Edward from my spot.

"He would have found out sooner or later"

"Not like that, and not before a fight. You vampires never think of the consequences of your actions" I said

"What's your problem with my kind? I can't read your mind" Edward asked angrily.

"Maybe you should not rely on reading people's minds. Maybe people don't want you in their fucking heads"

"Seriously, What's your problem? You're worse than the wolves when it comes to your hatred. Jasper can feel it when he's near you, the pure hatred when you look at us"

"Edward" Bella called rounding the corner.

"You saw." Bella said looking at Edwards face.

"No. But Jacob's thoughts are very loud." Edward said

"I don't know what happened." Bella said

"You love him."

"I love you more"

"I shouldn't have forced you to choose."

"Please don't be understanding. I don't deserve it."

"It's my fault. When I went away, I left you bleeding and he stitched you up. I can't blame you for something I made necessary. I just want you to be happy" Edward said before turning around to see Seth-wolf loping out of the woods, growling.

"It's starting." Edward said as Seth came to my side nudging my hand with his snout.

"I'm okay" I whispered patting his head.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now