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"UGHHH" I groan as my alarm clock went off, 4:30 way to early to wake up Saturday, even for me. Today another pack is visiting so I have to wake up extra early and clean the house. I quickly shut off my alarm hoping no one heard it, it's highly unlikely though because I live alone in the farthest sector of the pack house. 

I get up and look outside, it's snowing, the white flakes look absolutely stunning against the dark green trees. My wolf Leah howls in joy, it's the first snow of the year and we both love winter. I'm not sure if it has something to do with it being my last name but it doesn't matter.

I make my way to my small bathroom and take a shower, using the only soap I have access to which doesn't particularly have a scent to it. After finishing I dry myself, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I throw my now damp long auburn hair into i messy bun and get ready to work.

Once I get to the central area of the pack house I start cleaning. First the living rooms, then the bathrooms, offices, guest bedrooms and meeting rooms; I decide to clean the kitchen after I make everyone breakfast. Working quickly I make a bountiful breakfast that consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and toast.

"Hello Angelica" into the kitchen comes my Luna, the only person that's ever been kind to me, she wakes up earlier so I don't have to worry about anyone else for now. 

"Good Morning Luna" I say politely

"Please, call me Olive" Luna asks me with a pleading look in her eyes, she only recently became Luna so she's probably not used to it.

"I'm sorry miss, but Alpha Derek wouldn't appreciate me using such casualty when addressing anyone, especially you."  I explain, hoping she understands

 "I understand Angelica" she says with a look of both pity and sympathy in her eyes. She knows that if I do something Alpha Derek doesn't approve of I'll be punished and I can barely handle it anymore. I shiver and run my hands over the scars on my arms remembering what happened last time.


"You stupid wretch, how dare you forget to make my dinner!" Alpha Derek shouted. "

I-I'm so s-sorry Alpha,I-I was tending to Jordan's b-broken leg."  Suddenly I hear the sound of a knife being pulled out of it's drawer and my blood runs cold. My wolf starts whimpering in fear of what's to happen next. I don't even bother pleading because it won't matter. 

Alpha Derek makes his way towards me hold a knife around the size of six inches and slowly comes closer. Every step is more scary then the rest and I shut my eyes. I feel my arm being lifted up and the cold metal digs into my creamy skin. 

I bite back a scream because if I do scream he'll make it worse, I taste something metallic in my mouth and immediately know it's blood, I must've bitten to hard. I feel him craving something and the pain is excruciating, it's at moments like these where I wish I could just end it all. The knife is suddenly lifted off my skin and I open my eyes only to see "wretch" carved into my arm. I have no idea if it will fully heal or leave a scar, there's too much blood to tell. 

End of Flashback

It did scar but thankfully it's not incredibly noticeable.

"Miss Luna, not that I mind but why must I clean the whole house today?" I ask hoping she doesn't take it the wrong way.

 "Well, the alpha of the Black Mountain pack is in search of his mate so while he searches the area Derek volunteered for him to stay here" I sigh in relief because she wasn't mad. Though, my eyes widen at the thought of the Black Mountain pack Alpha. Stories are told about him, he is the kind of person whose name can have you withering in fear           

 "I h-hope he finds h-his mate." I stutter still full of fear. 

"Me too Angelica, me too."

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