'These men are here to conduct some tests, but nothing to worry about.'

Mr Castle talks with his hands I think it's part of his energetic personality. However his hands aren't usually shaking, he's clearly nervous, which makes me nervous.

Slowly the small man removes his arm so I can pass. He's go black hair, and a lined face. He reminds me of Begbie from the movie Trainspotting. He exudes aggression, like he's wound way to tight, and could snap at any second.

I start walking, spot Ami and mouth 'what's going on?' ', she shrugs, but she's got that vexed look on her face.

I weave my way through the neatly lined up dark wooden desks and chairs to the end of the line.

Why are they making everyone stand, it seems really unnecessary?

Time passes, maybe 15 minutes.

There is complete silence apart from the muffled tones of Mr Castle and the tall man. Complete silence in this class is a full on miracle, these men carry an aura that suppresses the natural exuberance of teenage high schoolers.

It can't last forever, nothing can silence a group of 16 and 17-year-olds for very long. Of course, it's Fizz that pipes up.

'What's all this about' he says 'I'm not going to stand here lining up for who know's what, we've got rights, talk to us'

The tall man stops talking to Mr Castle.

I get a better look at him. He's gaunt with a lined face, maybe 45 or 50. He's wearing a black dress shirt buttoned all the way up. His hair is short and black with a peppering of grey. His lips are thin his eyes dark and sharp like flint.

He turns and stares at Fizz. The intensity of the stare is profound, Fizz tries desperately to step back into the wall. For a moment I actually pity him, but I quickly push that aside.

I hope he gets crushed.

Petty but justifiable I think.

I'm about to get my wish.

'I am Corvas Drucker' says the man'. 'What you need to know BOY, is to keep your place'.

Fizz was now trying to become one with the wall, those standing next to him started to shuffle away as Drucker approached.

He grabs Fizz by the throat, and slowly raises him from the floor.

Fizz started to gurgle and gasp. Drucker slowly turns his head, looking at all of us, challenging us, threatening us, the silence was crushing.

Drucker releases Fizz, he falls to the floor like a wet sack.

The gurgling changes to gasping sobs.

'Wait in silence', demands Drucker.

You could hear a pin drop.

Drucker walks back to Mr Castle, who has lost all colour and is swaying slightly. Drucker takes him by the arm and gently guides Mr Castle towards the door.

My heads spinning at the brutal display. This Drucker is one serious and scary dude.

They leave the room as if nothing has happened.


Time passes, we all stand in silent shock.

It's an hour and no requests for the bathroom, no mucking about or moaning about standing. Just terrified silence.

Slowly everyone gets escorted out, until finally I'm the only one left.

The small man suddenly cocks his head, his face takes on an intensity like he's listening, and after a few seconds he speaks.

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