Chapter 1 - The Dinner

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Inside Amy's head

Just tell him you don't want to go. Psh, I've done that at least a dozen times. He is so stubborn on this. Maybe I should make myself throw up? EW, no- pass. The after taste is horrendous. Well what can I do? Sitting on this bed slowly putting on my shoes is really only stretching the inevitable.

Outside Amy's head

Well this is it. The last strap. I grunted loudly as I had to bend over and squeeze the shit out of my stomach. There! Done! I straightened myself back up and smoothed down my silky red dress.

"Babe, are you almost ready?" Jace walks in asking. I have to admit it, my man was looking H-O-T hot. I couldn't stop myself from giving him a good look down.

"Babe....Babe....BABE!! " I snapped out of my gaze.

"Sorry, you just look really good," that cause a smile to creep on his face.

"Why thank you, now stand up so I can see how good you look." Jace grabbed my hand and softly pulled me up. When I was standing straight up, he took three steps back and put his hand on his chin in a thinking manner.

"What are you doing?" I was starting to feel a bit insecure. Maybe the dress didn't look right. Did I have it on backwards? Oh I would freak.

"I'm just thinking about what I've done in my life, that God has blessed me with such beauty." Now I was my turn to smile, and maybe blush a bit.

"Awe Babe," I walked towards him and stopped maybe a inch away from him. Without saying anything I wrapped my arms around his shoulder, and locked my hands together. He seemed to understand where I was going and snake his hands around my waist. I leaned forward to connect our lips. Pulling me closer so now there was no gap.  Jace soft lips were on mine. I wouldn't say that I am addicted to kissing him, but let's be honest I rather do that than most things. We had  a simple kiss. No open mouth, no tongue. Just a simple kiss, our way of saying 'I love you'. Pulling away, he pulled me tighter and placed his head in my neck. Giving me a nice big hug. I of course hugged back. I made sure to hold on a little longer. Not because I really like hugging my boyfriend, but the longer the hug, the less time I have to spend at that dinner.

"Babe, I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work," he laughed in my ear. With a grunt I untied my hands from his shoulders and he removed his hands from my waist.

"Thanks for the hug though", he laughed.

"I don't want to go!!," I made sure it was in a child's voice so he knew how serious I was.

"Come on, it won't be that bad, I'll be waiting for you in the car." And just like that he was out the room, and then out the house. I waked back to the bed and grabbed my purse. I walked towards my full length mirror on the wall to examine myself.

Inside Amy's head

Okay Amy, you can do this. It's not big deal. It's just dinner with the guy you used to talk to and his new girlfriend. No big deal. Ugh who am I kidding? This is a major deal. I can't stand the look of him. He makes my stomach hurt. He knows what he did. And THEN he went and befriended Jace, and Jace being the nice guy he is sees no fault in anyone. He's lucky I love him because if it was anyone else, I would be in my pjs, eating ice cream and watching movies. To hell with this shit.

Outside Amy's head


With one last glance at my butt, I readjusted my purse on my arm and walked out the room and headed for the front door. Stepping outside feeling the cool Summer breeze hit my face. Man, I do love summer. Closing the door, I locked it and headed towards the car in the front driveway. I opened the door to the Honda Civic and carefully placed myself inside. Let me love you", by Justin Bieber hit my ears. I strapped my seatbelt on and got comfortable.

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