Tom x Female! reader

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Your heroes wear capes, mine wear hoodies.

Main Characters:
Tom , Your character
First person
(Y/N)= Your name
I don't swear, but, um, language?
•Tom & reader at an arcade


It was a beautiful Saturday morning.
I'm joking, I felt like sh**.

The sun got in my eyes, the birds were chirping loudly like they were having a meeting on who to poop on next and my headache couldn't get any worse.


I groan and shove my alarm clock to the ground, not even wincing when I heard the sweet sound of it braking.

I guess it's time to finally start my day?

I check my phone.
It's 1pm already?
Too early.

I groan and get out of bed, lazily falling down the steps to make some cereal.

I grunt as I reach the cubbords, opening them to take my cheerios out.

Ah cereal, the only thing in this horrible world that makes me smile.

I look down at my phone, I suddenly got a text.

I smiled.
Cra*, nevermind.
There's two things that make me smile.

"Hey, those morons are too busy to go to the arcade with me and win some stuff. Was wondering if you wanted to go" -Tom.

I texted him back that I'd go with him and scarfed down my food, putting my shoes on, a yellow sweater and running out the house.

Anything to get away from those birds.


I waited by the front door for Tom.
Soon, I see him with his brown hair and blue hoodie.

"Hey Tom!" I smiled and held open the door for him

He nodded and walked in, I followed behind him.

"So, uh, what game do you want to play?" I asked him

He shrugged and looked around the room, I did so too.

The room was filled with classic arcade games, alongside new.
There was music playing, but you could also hear faint noises of the arcade games, such as pacman, mixed into the unknown song as other players played.

My head didn't hurt as much anymore, though.

I turned to were I thought Tom was, I then realized he was missing.

I searched for him a bit, but quickly found him checking every game slots for tickets and coins others had left behind.

F***, he beat me to it.

I laughed and shook my head to myself as I walked over to the arcade's special atm kind of system to get some coins.

Then, I found myself infront of the "Dance Dance Evolution" game.

I got this, I'm okay at this if I do say so myself.

I smiled and entered my coins into the slot, pressing player one and started the game.

After multiple tries (fails), I had once again lost.
I grunted in frustration and kicked the machine, which hurt my toe and made me even more frustrated.

I wasted 70% of my coins on that stupid machine.
Let's go try another one and let out some pent up frustration.

I sighed and walked over to a Donkey Kong game, fists clenched.

I better win this one I swear.


why am I so bad today!?
It's probably those birds, stupid birds having a meeting on who to poop on RIGHT NEXT TO MY WINDOW.
Breath, (Y/N), BREATH.

"(Y/N)? What's got your knickers in a twist?" Tom asked curiously.

"I keep losing at these stupid games. Watch."
I insert two more coins and play the game.
Finally doing well, I thought I could win.

Thought is the keyword here.

"UGH" I growled and kicked the game, hurting my other toe now.

Tom chuckled "looks like you're not as good as you thought?" He teased.

"Not the right moment, Tom." I warned and walked over to a claw machine.

He followed me, checking the coin slot for the game next to mine.

I sighed, trying to concentrate on getting the plush Mario.

Almost there.
You're gonna get it.
A little- yeah. Good.

I slammed down on the button and the claw picked up the plushie, it was making its way to drop it in the hole.

When it did, it turns out it was exactly the same size of the hole.

I cried, frustrated.
All my coins were gone, no prize, stupid birds, my saturday ruined.

Then, a hero in a dark blue hoodie emerged from the darkness.

"I gotchu don't worry." Tom said calmly.

He then calmly smashed the glass and gave me my Mario plushie.

"here you go." He said as if breaking the arcade's property was a normal, respected thing to do.

I just smiled and shrugged.

"Thank you, now let's leave before we get caught. I mean, that was such I brave thing you did." I teased him, turning around and walked towards the exit as he shrugged.

For a second I thought I saw a bit of a smirk, but I think it was my imagination.

It didn't matter, though.
I got my plushie and Tom got to break something.

Maybe heroes don't have to wear capes after all, maybe they can wear yellow and blue sweaters.

Excerpts from a book I'll never write⭐❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ