Chapter 7 ( Hunting )

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19 Year old Dean POV:

We are in a small town i really dont know the name. There has been massive murders around here we just have to figure out what is behind this. Im driving my Baby following Dad he is in his car. We are about to stop infront of the hotel Dad just parked im going to Park on the other side not with Dad. Dad went to check us in Sammy and me got out of the car and waited besides it.

'Are u not old enough to check in Dean' Sam said

'Dad likes to do it himself' 

We saw Dad comming he handed over the keys and i saw extra keys in his hands.

'Whoose keys are thoose' I asked Dad

'Mine ofcourse' Dad replied

'What do u mean u are not gonna stay with us' I questioned

'Just two rooms next to ures' 


'Dean lets go u and me are going Sam we are gonna drop u off at the library ure gonna do research for us' Dad told us

Dad didnt wait for Sammy to reply and he sat in the passenger's seat and i knew my que that im driving. Sam sat at the back seat quietly and started getting hold of his Bag. In ten min we dropped off Sammy he waved bye to me and went.

We searched everywhere and we just couldnt find the thing that killed all these people. Sam called twice but he also couldnt find anything well thats what he said.

It was getting late it had been a while since we left Sam at the library so i dropped Dad at the hotel and went to pick Sammy. I reached the Library and gave him a misscall he came out quietly and with a sad look on his face. I wonder what was bothering him i cant really see him sad.

'Hey kiddo'

'Hey Dean find anything' he asked me with a worried look on his face

'Sam whats wrong'

'Nothing Dean im fine' 

'Sam i asked whats wrong not that u are fine or not but did sumthing happen' I said and then i saw a cut on his hand. I took his hand in my hand immediately.

'Sammy how did this happen tell me now' I said with a worried tone and started putting a bandage on it. A tear came at the corner of my eye and as i was putting the bandage Sam gave a hurtfull sigh and the tear fell from my eye.

'Dean are u crying im not that hurt im fine please relax' 

'What happened'

'Dean please leave it'

'Sam Now'

'Dean when u left me at the library i went in and started researching then i saw a girl sitting at the corner i dont know i got curious i got up and went to talk to her' 

'Go on im listening' I said

'Well i introduced my self, she told me her name was Amy. She told me she was not allowed to talk to guys and i respected that but soon she realized i was not like other guys so we started chatting. Something clicked and it felt so right Dean'

'Thoose are ure hormones Sammy' I laughed and said

'Dean do u wanna know what happened or not' Sam asked with a serious look on his face

'Sorry do tell' 

'Well we started bonding and she invited me to her house and i went i know im not allowed to go anywhere without asking but i just couldnt stop. We bonded over nomadic lifestyle and she even feels like a outsider with other Kids we had that in common. She told me about her mom she said she was very strict and wants Amy to be excatly like her'

'Well thats good i think Sam but get to the point how did u get hurt' I asked him

'Well Dean then we shared a kiss and as we finished kissing. She heard her mother comming and she made me hide in the closet. In a few seconds her mother was in the room and telling her how they had to leave this very second beacuses they are being persued by a couple of pros in a piece of crap Impala'.

'Did she just call my Baby piece of crap'

'Dean ure missing the point here' 

'Ya what happened then wait a sec we were following a women who we came to know was a creature. So the creature was Amy's mom damn'

'Yes Dean so when her mother went out to start the car and out there stuff in i encountered Amy and told her that im with Impala people she freaked at that moment and told me to run i was about to run but i stopped because i saw a jar full of brains. I was about to vomit as her mother returned and she attacked me thats when i got hurt and when she was about to finish me Amy killed her. She killed her own mother for me Dean'.

'What Sam u could have gotten hurt u dare do that again' I said with a angry tone

'Im sorry Dean i didnt mean this' 

'Wait did u kill Amy then she must be a creature also'

'Ya i killed her' He said but something tells me he is lying i know this Kid he is lying. In ten min i dropped him at the hotel where Dad was and i went to the adress Sam gave me. I reached there but the police has gotten there and i asked a guy of the police and he told me they found only one body. So Sam let Amy go when will he grow up she is a monster.


The Story Of Dean WinchesterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora