Part 10: Where To Go From Here

Start from the beginning

"Hey.. Seán?" I shout uncertainly. I hear him walk up to the door.


"Um.. can you please go get one of the girls?"

"Why? Are you okay?"

"Please just get one of the girls Seán."

"What do I tell them?"



"Tell then it's important but that I'm not hurt."

"Uhh, okay."

I wait a few minutes trying to think of what else could possibly go wrong for me right now when I hear two sets of footsteps coming towards me.


"Amy? Oh good! Can you come in here please?"

She briefly opens the door as she comes in allowing he door to shut behind her. When she looks at my desperate expression sitting helplessly on the toilet I see the understanding cross her face.

"All I know that we could use is pieces of blanket or suit cloth or maybe some of your gauze."

"Yeah I was thinking that too. Could you put together some blanket wrapped in the inner layer from the suit material? That should work like a waterproof pad."

"Yeah, hang tight I'll be right back. I'll make you a bunch of them for the rest of your cycle."

"Thank you! You're a life saver!"

~Amy's POV~

I quickly rush out of her bathroom and over to the the fabricator she has by the door. Thankfully I managed to gather a lot of resources while we've been here and I should be able to make more than enough for her cycle, then whoever has one next will have something to start with.

I see Seán watching me nervously as I start putting in my resources to make what I need, thankfully I can make up to 10 at once. I make 30 just in case. As I pick up the makeshift pads Sean stops me.

"What's going on?"

"It's nothing Seán, she's just got her period is all."

"Oh, okay. Thank goodness, I was worried she wasn't telling me something that was wrong."

"Nah, periods are just weird to talk about you know? Most guys don't want to hear about it."

"I get it. Thanks for coming to help, sorry I had to wake you up."

"It's no problem at all! It's the least I can do for her considering all she's done to help keep us all together and moving forward."

He nods at me and I go back to see N/N.

"Thank you!!"

"No problem, girly!"

After she applies one of the make shift pads she comes up to hug me tight. It's nice having a new lady friend to get to know.

"We should go and see if everyone wants to start that meeting."

"Good idea."

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