Chapter 8 " help me "

Start from the beginning

" uhh.. yyea I guess "

" sound like you was hesitating "

" no I wasn't " I said looking away.

I so badly wanted to tell him but I couldn't. Ashton would kill me.

" well than why you can't look at me "

"Please don't cry please don't cry" I kept telling myself.

I felt the rim of my eyes getting heavy. It was time for me to go.

Without even saying a word I quickly felt embarrassed with myself walking away from him.

I knew that was a coward move of me but I couldn't help myself.

I listen as he continue to call my name.

" Nia .... Nia what happen what did that guy say to you " Marley questioned.

by now I made it to my car with Marley on my back.

" nothing " I said shaking my head.

" obviously he did if he got you crying, "

" j-just don't worry about it let's just get our stuff and go ok "

" ok girl "

I was too upset with myself. I didn't even look back to see if Rock was following behind me or not.

After getting everything packed quickly we headed back to our own homes.

I made it to mine only to be in the state of shock.

" baby I missed you " Ashton said coming up to kissing my cheek.

" h-how long have you been here ? I thought you had a meeting in Florida " I said as he had me still in his hold.

He was an attorney.

" for about a couple hours your um roommate told me that I could chill here " he said

" but anyways go pack a couple of bags you staying with me tonight " he said before letting me go and taking a seat back on the couch.

" Ashton I-I kind of want to stay here "

I was so tired of being at his place.

"Excuse me ?" He said taken back.

" I'm just saying w-were always at your place why don't we just stick around here "

I looked down at my feet knowing he was probably grilling me with his stare.

" what I say goes , now go there to your room and pack your bag " he said calmly "

But I stayed still.

" Nia I'm not go- "

" or what you're going to hit me " I said

I was tired of being bruised up like bean bag.

I got the courage to look at him to see his nose flaring up.

He walked to me looking down at me disgust.

" don't fucking play with me " he said grabbing a hold my cheeks

I tried moving his hand away but he only squeeze my jaw more.

He punch me in the mouth making sure I feel the warm liquid come out of it.

As he turn his back talking about me I grabbed the Vase smashing it on his head.

I watched as he collapse on the ground. I stood in shock not believing what I just did.

I quickly call the ambulance and the police.

They all arrived at the same time.

I told them everything that happen.

" ma'am we will keep you updated as of now have nice afternoon"

" thank you " I said barley above a whisper.

Just than Asia was coming in looking around at the mess that was left.

" what happen "

I filled her in on everything.

The look of regret was all over her face.

" I'm sooo sorry Nia

" I-its fine " I said crying as well.

Later that night .....

I couldn't go to sleep at all.

Every time I close my eyes I see his face. It scares me.

I would call Marley but she is out hanging with her other friends and I didn't want to bother her with my problems.

The only person I had left was Rock.

I dialed his number hoping he answer.

I just didn't feel safe at all.

" hello" he said groggily

" I-I'm sorry to wake you up "

" you good wassup "

" um can you meet me some where "

" yea everything straight "

I felt the brim of eyes burn.

" Nia ? "

" y-yes "

" tell me what's wrong "

" meet me at the McDonald's on 4th street "

" aight " he said hanging up the phone

I put an old hoodie and some sweats on with my running shoes as well.

In the garage area I quickly got in my car.

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