Letters for those she loves - Chapter 2

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*At the Jordans' house*

"Sorry to disturb you but here are the letters that she wrote for all of you, do me a favour and give out these letters to the people that has their names on it"-Mrs. Jordans.
"Alright Mrs. Jordans, i'll give them out tonight. Have a nice afternoon and we hope you and Mr. Jordans get better soon."-Jasmin.

*Back in the car*

"Im texting the people who are on these letters so they can come and get it"-Jasmin.
*Urgent, everyone meet me and Brian at his house*-Jasmin's text.
*Brian peeks at the text*,

"HEYY why at my house did you even ask me?!!"-Brian.
"I don't need to, we're friends riiight, and also you're rich so you can buy us snacks thanks love you mwuah hahaha"-Jasmin.
"Wha- uhh excu- FINEE"-Brian.

*Brian's place*

"Alright, we got everybody here?"-Brian. "Nope, May is late... again."-Julian.
"Oh well i'll start handing out the letters anyways. Julian, Timothy, Steph, Alex, May is late, Brian, Alicia, Me and last but not the least, Ivan"-Jasmin.

*May budges in*

"It's about time"-Alicia.
"Sorry i'm late... again."-May/other people in room.
"We know, no need to say it again and again"-Timothy. *Jasmin hands May her letter*

"Can we all just open our letters at home, it's getting late and my parents are gonna come home soon"-Brian.
"Aww c'mon poop, Jasmin said you were gonna buy us snacks, let's watch one movie...juuuust one"-Alex.

*4 movies later*

"Okayyy parties over it's 3:30am and i think you all are forgetting that we have school tomorrow."-Brian.
"Yes Dad"-Ivan
"It's mum!! Oh who am i kiddin' i know it isn't gonna happen"-Brian

"Bye bye Bri Bri see you at school"-Jasmin
"Told you not to call me Bri Bri!"-Brian.
"It's kinda cute tho"-Steph
"Yada yada yada blahhh ok byeee see you all tomorrow now get outta my house"-Brian.

*At school*

"Bro have you opened your letter yet?"-Alex
"Nahh i fell asleep"-Timothy
"Ahh same"-Alicia

*Fire alarm goes off*

"Oh sh*t"-Timothy
"No wait I..."-Alicia
"What are you waiting for let's go?!"-Alex

*Alex drags Alicia out of the school where everyone else is*

"Alex text every friend of ours and say to meet us in front of the statue"-Timothy

*Few minutes later*

"Alright everyone here? Everyone safe?"-Alex
"Wait Steph isn't here yet"-Julian
"Did you text Steph Alex?"-Timothy
"Yes i did"-Alex
"Try calling her"-Timothy
*Alex calls Steph*
"It's ringing but she's not answering"-Alex

*Attention everyone, it was confirmed that the alarm was a false alarm, please stay outside until further notices*-Principal on the speaker

"I KNEW IT"-Alicia
"I saw someone make the fire alarm go off!"-Alicia
"Why didn't you say so?!"-Alex

"But who would do that? And why?"-Jasmin
"Let's not worry about that now, we need to focus on finding Steph, let's wait until the Principal says we can go in."-Timothy
"Why wait for the Principal to say we can go in? Let's just go now, Alex and Timothy come with me everyone else stay here"-Alicia

A/N: Sorry for the late update but i hope you enjoyed chapter 2. Where could Stephanie be? Can she be missing? Who made the fire alarm go off? Find out in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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