Gossips - Chapter 1

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"I'am alone, depressed, scared, I can't deal with it anymore. My life... my life is a mess. I can't do it anymore!"...

*3 weeks later*

"Have you heard about what happened to Dani Jordans ?"-Student 1.
"No why? What happened?"-Student 2.
"I heard she-", *bell rings*.
"Okay, you're all dismissed from my class, don't forget assessment is due tomorrow."-Teacher.
"I'll tell you at lunch"-Student 1, *period 2 passes* *bell rings for lunch*.

"Can you tell me now?"-Student 2.
"Yeah, i heard Dani committed suicide."-Student 1.
"What?!", "I know right, crazy isn't it?!"-Student 1.
"But why would she do that tho? She has like everything, she has money, she has the hottest boyfriend in this school and she owns an ISLAND, i'm actually really jealous of her, she just wasted her life in my opinion and she's stupid for that"-Student 2.

"Excuse me ladies, with all due respect, we do not know what Dani has been through so please don't judge someone who you don't know the story of."-Ivan.
"Oh um sorry condolence i guess"-Student 2. *Student 1 & 2 quickly leaves*.

"Are you really just going to scare off every person that talks about your girlfriend Ivan."-Brian.
"Brian! You're Dani's friend you should know why i'm being like this"-Ivan.
"You're right i do know why you're being like this, it's only been 3 weeks since Dani is gone"-Brian, *Brian sobs*.

"Aww it's ok bubba, let's get some new clothes and new off shoulders, but the one that fits your size, i don't really know if there's any but..."-Jasmin.
"Hey! Of course i know they don't have off shoulders for men, it's because they're sexist."-Brian.

"You wanna come with us Ivan?"-Jasmin. "Nah, i'm going to the gym with Julian, and what else am i gonna do there"-Ivan.
"Okay, your loss"-Jasmin.

*After School*

"Brian let's go hop in the car."-Jasmin. *Jasmin's phone rings*
"Yes Mrs. Jordans?...I'm sorry, did you say letters Mrs. Jordans?... Okay we're coming"-Jasmin.

"Sorry Brian, we gonna have to cancel our shopping for this afternoon, Mrs. Jordans called and said she found letters from Dani that had her friends names on it, which includes us"-Jasmin.

"Letters? This could lead us to why she really committed suicide!"-Brian.
"That IS the reason why we're going there, to find out what really happened to Dani"-Jasmin

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first Chapter of 'Last Words', find out who else Dani wrote letters to in the next chapter. Please also note that there will be some swear words in some of the next chapters but not too much.

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