Calling Cupid

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A/N: I decided to go back in time for this chapter so that it gives a clearer picture of how the plan came to fruition.

3 Weeks Earlier


"So Oliver I see your girlfriend is back in town" Felicity calls out while typing furiously into her computer. Somewhere in the back I hear Digg chuckle and can't help but shoot them looks of annoyance.

"She is not my girlfriend" I reply through gritted teeth.

The return of Carrie Cutter was something I never saw coming. After having her locked up in A.R.G.U.S. over a year ago, I thought that would be the end of her reign of terror as Cupid. I had thought wrong. She has managed to escape imprisonment and is now seeking the Arrow out once again. After saving her twice, her obsession with the Arrow has only intensified and so has her MO. In hopes of gaining my attention, she has been targeting high profile couples who have recently been married. Each crime scene has been marked by her signature heart shaped arrows; each victim shot straight through the heart with a note reading "If I can't have my love, no one else can." Her tactics have only gotten more dangerous; Carrie's obsession has escalated and with that she has grown increasingly fixated on ending the love lives of happy couples. Her fixation has turned into revenge, a revenge stemming from her inability to obtain my love.

After targeting at least five separate couples, Carrie has gone silent, mostly due to the fact that her spree has left fear in individual's planning on getting married - especially those with money. All weddings and engagements have come to a halt for the time being, leaving us with no trace of Carrie.

I tug my hair in frustration "Felicity do you have any updates on the location of Carrie Cutter"

"No she's gone completely off the grid, there is no way of tracking her, she's gone radio silent, I'm sorry Oliver"

"We have to stop her, we have to find her" I say in anger causing Felicity to jump slightly.

"Don't worry Oliver, we will find her, whatever is happening right now is not your fault" Diggle calls out from behind me.

I let out a frustrated sigh. With Carrie Cutter back in town, no one around me is safe, anyone I have ever loved is in danger and that is on me. "We have to come up with a plan to stop her before she starts broadening her hit list to the entire population of Starling City's couples"

Felicity clears her throat "I might have an idea."


I know my idea is hinging on crazy, but it's the only option available. I pause before explaining my plan, knowing that it comes with the risk of getting hurt.

"We can use your status as Oliver Queen to lure Cupid into a trap" I say nervously, Oliver and Diggle watching me intently.

"Continue" Oliver says with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

I gulp and proceed with haste, tripping over my words "Well since she has been targeting high profile couples, you can fake a relationship and bring her out of hiding"

"And who exactly will I be faking a relationship with" Oliver asks.

"Umm, well that would be me"

"Absolutely not Felicity" Oliver says, his voice even and a hard expression on his face.

"Oliver, it's the only chance we have of finding Cupid" I yell, frustrated at Oliver's disapproval.

"There has to be another way, I am not putting you in danger" Oliver says, his voice cold and harsh.

"There is no other way. Everyone thinks I'm sleeping with the boss anyways, not that I am sleeping with him, which you would know because your the boss" I say without thinking.

Oliver looks at me with shock and a flood of embarrassment rushes through me. "They what?"

I compose myself and explain "well ever since you moved me from IT to be your executive assistant at Queen Consolidated, people around the office have made some comments. They believe that I moved up in the business only because I'm screwing the boss, which is, well, you."

Oliver looks at me with a loss of words and guilt in his eyes "I..."

I cut him off before he has the chance to talk me out of my plan. I know that my plan has every chance of changing the relationship between Oliver and I but I can't stand by and do nothing when there is a possibility that I can help. "Look Oliver, this plan is the only chance we have at catching Cupid and if there is anything I can do to help, then I will. This is my choice and I'm not going back on it. So please stop worrying about putting me in danger and lets focus on catching her."

"Okay" Oliver says, his voiced laced with resignation.

I study his features intently and notice the worry on his face.

"Oliver, look at me" I say as I place my hand on his face, "I trust you and I know that you can and you will catch Carrie, you've done it once, you can do it again. So please let me help you with this. I am part of this team too."

Oliver nods and lets out a sigh. "Okay let's get started then"

We begin planning out the strategy, all of us working furiously on laying down the ground work for the more elaborate pieces of the plan - the plan I came up with. The plan that will change everything between me and Oliver, if we aren't careful.

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