"Wow. Practically ran through the whole alphabet."

"What I say? Don't get smart. Hurry up."

"Yeah, yo. No lip." He popped the "p".

You went off grumbling, "This wasn't for you anyways.You're just gonna fall asleep."

You came back with a comedy. "Is Grown Ups 2 okay?"

"Yyyes." From Reno.

"That the one with the big fight at the end?"

"Yes sir/ma'am."

S/he nodded in approval and snuggled themselves in again to look at the tv. You streamed the movie and waited so you could skip right to it as Reno mixed some chips in one of the bowls to hand to your p/g and did it again in one for you two. He also poured and distributed the drinks by the time the show started to play. You pulled yourself onto the couch and started watching.

After about twenty to thirty minutes in you noticed your p/g was no longer laughing. A hard snore let you know why.

"You know what that means." Reno said grabbing your attention.

You smirked knowing full and well what it was.

"Yup. It's behind the couch."

You too didn't even bother whispering. They weren't getting up anytime soon.

Reno pulled out the bottle of wine and filled both of your cups halfway.

"That's a lot." You commented. "You're gonna have me messed up before the movie's over."

"Well you know. That's what I'm here for, yo."

"I'm watching you, Sinclair. You're always getting me into trouble."

"You like it."

"That has nothing to do with it."

He smiled at you and you two went back to the movie.

Awhile later you were about a third through your third cup, Reno was wherever he was with his, and you were both just staring at the credits giggling.

"Dude. I freaking love Adam Sandler movies." You slurred.

Reno quirked an eyebrow, "You drunk, y/n?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmm... wasn't that the goal?"

"Oh my God. Y/n, you loser."


"Why are you drunk? You should only be buzzed."

"What 'bout you~? Why aren't you drunk? You had more than me."

"No, Einstein. I didn't. I've been gulping down way more juice than wine. I don't wanna die in the morning because your p/g finds out that we're hungover."

"Mmmmahhhh," you slowly moved your hand in a shooing motion, "You worry too much."

"You say that now, but don't go lookin' to me for help in the morning." He got up and grabbed all the dishes to rinse them out then came back.

You stared at him through half lidded eyes as he turned off the tv and unstreamed the movie. You started to giggle at him.

He sat back down, "What?"

"You're funny."

You started to scoot to him. He scooted closer to you so you didn't have to do as much.

"No~~. I can do it myself~." You hit his arm a few times and hopelessly tried using both arms to push him back to where he was.

He knew you could do it yourself. He just couldn't help himself sometimes.

He rolled his eyes and moved back over. But just a little bit. Not like you could tell with your state.

You got over to him and lied your head on his shoulder.



"I-I forgot what I wanted to say."

"Your head slid to his chest and you made yourself more comfortable there.

His breathing was nice and relaxing.

And his heartbeat felt good against your head.

It was...

"Nice." You muttered.


"This is nice."

Just you two.

The vent in the background.


And a knocked out adult.

"Yeah. This is good, yo."

Your index finger gently started clawing his abdomen.

You were tired and started to drift.

"I love you, Reno." You whispered.

He laid his over yours. (To stop you from scratching him. As gone as you were, he wasn't and is still a teenage boy.)

I love you, too." He whispered back.

"....... Yeah. I know."


"......But I love you love you....."

His body went rigid for a hot second then he tightened his grip on your hand.



"You ready to go to sleep?"

You nodded your head against his chest."


He gently removed himself from under you and helped you to get adjusted.

You almost fell.


God, you were flucked up.

He threw the blanket on the couch over you and made sure you were comfortable.

After looking at you for a few long seconds he begun to put his palet together on the floor so he could try to sleep.

It wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. Your confession made him feel this beautiful joy inside that he wouldn't have expected. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.

See, Reno only just found out that he was in love with you last week whilst you were yelling at him about him hurting himself and wasn't ready to ruin such an awesome friendship just yet.

As to why he didn't say it back, there were no excuses. He was nervous. Not to mention, when he envisioned himself telling you, he had your full attention.

So, yeah. Tonight was fantastic and tomorrow is promising.

Reno fell asleep with a big tooth filled smile.

But if anyone ever found out about the lone unfiltered tear of joy running down his face he'd just blame it on the alcohol. ;)

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