Christmas- year 2

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PSA: this chapter gets a little in the M section, don't report me or anything but if you don't like it, don't read it:).

December 25 2017-
I woke up early this year. Stretching I went downstairs to the living room and I looked at all the presents under the tree. There were twice as many as last year and it just made me smile. A week ago was our one year anniversary, but since Nadia and Justin were sick we didn't get to celebrate. So I had a plan today to make this day truly special for Jay.

Looking at the clock I saw I had twenty more minutes before my family would begin to wake up. So I decided to go to the kitchen and make some Christmas snowman pancakes that were a family tradition now. I must of lost track of time because I didn't notice Jay sneaking up behind me and kissing my neck.

"Mmm good morning to you too Jay." I managed to get out without being distracted by him.

"What you don't like my good morning wake up call?" He pretend to pout. I laughed and responded while putting the cookies for later in the oven. "I never said I didn't like it..."

With that his hands went from around my waist to further down and he began to kiss further down and all over. "We can't...the kids will be up soon." I gasped as he trailed his hands down further. "No they won't, it's only six. We still have an hour. One whole hour just for you and me." He whispered. All the hairs in my body stood straight up as I felt his warm breath on my neck. I could feel the arousal begin to pit in between my thighs as he began to unbutton my pyjamas.

I wanted to say something else, but got distracted when he spun me around to kiss me. Of course, I gave in and did the same. As things got heated more, I could feel the arousal even more now. "Jay..." I gasped out.

"Hmm?" He replies while kissing down my chest. "Fuck.." I whispered as I got more turned on.

"What was that?"

"Fuck me." I whispered breathily.

"With pleasure." He replied lifting me up onto the island. Throwing my head back, I found it hard to breath with Jay kissing all the way up my thighs. "God Jay stop teasing." I moaned.

Finally, he lowered me into him and I felt him fill me. "You control the pace babe, I'll go slow for you." I nodded and what started out slow quickly turned into a "workout". "God..." I panted digging my nails into his back.

"You are so beautiful Er.." he spoke while exploring every inch of my body with kisses. In less than five more minutes I felt my body begin to tremble. "Jay....." I moaned as I felt it coming. "Go ahead..." he whispered as he was about to as well. Suddenly like a train, the orgasm came and my whole body shook and right then, Jays happened as well and I let it fill me. Finally after another couple minutes as the waves were dying down he laid beside me panting. "Wow.." I whispered.

"Wow is right." He chuckled kissing me. After we cleaned the island up, I decided I needed a shower. As I turned back to my husband, I watched his eyes go dark and fill with desire. "I could use a shower too." He spoke.

I laughed and as quietly as we could, we ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower together.

Jay and I were both freshly dressed and showered and we were watching our perfect children open their Christmas presents. The babies had already gotten theirs and they were sitting in their bassinets happy as can be just around us. "Did you get what you wanted girls?" Jay asked our daughters as their faces lit up with each present.

"Yes! Thank you Mama! Thank you Daddy!" Esmée shouted as she gave us each a big hug. Copying her big sister Baylie gave us a big hug and babbled thank you in her own little language. I scooped her up from her sitting position and hugged her. "You excited to go see Grandpa? You and Ez are gonna have a sleepover there tonight."

"Really?" Esmée asked hearing the conversation.

"Yes honey. I'm sure he will do all sorts of fun stuff with you."

"Where will you and Daddy be?" She asked suddenly getting separation anxiety. She crawled into my lap and immediately clinged on to me. "We will be right here. With your baby sister and brother. But I promise that you will be just fine with Grandpa. Why don't we go upstairs and get a bag together with your dolls and stuffed animals." She nodded and took my hand and we went upstairs.

The kids and us were watching Ellen on tv when the doorbell rang. "Who is it?" Jay called. "Hank!" He called back. Smiling, I lifted Ez off my lap and then went to answer the door. "Hey." I greeted him letting him in.

"Hi Grandpa!" Esmée said hugging him before running to get her stuff. While she did that, Hank got Baylie. She loved spending time with him and her face lit up the room as soon as she saw him. "Hello sweetheart, I have a fun night for you guys."

Finally Ez was ready to go and my two blonde daughters walked with their only grandparent. Seeing the scene it made me nostalgic.
"Hey baby what's wrong?" Jay asked. I shook my head and sniffled. "My babies are starting to leave the nest."

"Hey hey, look you have two babies right here. And plus our oldest baby is only seven. She won't leave the nest for almost another ten years. So right now, let them live and come cuddle with these babies right here. I smiled and sat back on the couch with my five month old baby boy on my chest and my five month old baby girl on Jays chest. "You are such a daddy's girl Ms.Nadia. You have been from the minute you were born." I laughed when she yawned and moved her little fist up to right where Jays hand was. You know Nadia, you are lot like your older sister Esmée. Before you guys were born your dad would hold her too, and she always likes to be by his side."

Jay kissed her head before looking at the way Justin was curled up on my chest. "Justin's like Baylie. Baylie is always tagging along behind you whether your here dealing with these two or at the precinct. A mommas boy and girl."

I laughed and then read between the lines. "What are you saying Halstead?" I asked curiously smiling.

"Well what if when these guys are one, we have another one? We have extra rooms. Right now Esmée has her own room, she can continue to have her own room.Baylie has her nursery but when Nadia is two, she can start sharing a room with Baylie. They are only one year apart almost exactly. We have a huge house with seven bedrooms and five bathrooms. Come on wouldn't it be fun?"

I shook my head and laughed at him. I'll think about it. We have more kids than everybody else. We also have to return to work sometime. I work part time now but still. I'll make you a deal. When Bay Bay is two and IF and ONLY if things are okay, I will possibly consider having another child."

"Deal." He said kissing me. And for the rest of the night, we snoozed on the couch with the twins. Enjoying our silent and beautiful night with our babies.

Heyyy!! Merry Christmas (1 day late) oh well. Enjoy this well interesting chapter. Love you guys! Happy Holidays❤️


Erin Lindsay: Time stopsWhere stories live. Discover now