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December 11th 2017-
"Esmée honey time to wake up" I spoke softly while slowly turning the lights on to my daughters room. While giving her time to wake up, I went into Baylie's nursery and got her out of the crib. Immediately she started babbling random baby words and toddled next to me as I got the twins up. "Ez, I don't hear movement. Get up and come here please." I waited for a moment and finally she came shuffling in looking like she just woke up from the dead.

"Good morning sweet pea. Can you please take your sister downstairs? Try not to wake Daddy please."

"Why isn't Daddy awake?"

"He was working late last night so he got home very late. We are gonna let him sleep for a little longer." Satisfied with that answer, she took hold of Baylie's hand and led her past the gate down the stairs.

Now I could focus on the twins. I got them changed and then left them in diapers to go eat breakfast. Just as I got past the shared room I had with Jay, Nadia began to cry. "Shhh don't wake Daddy." I soothed to my youngest daughter. When I got downstairs, everyone was finally settled and breakfast was being served. After breakfast, before Esmee's bath she came over and sat on my lap. "Hey Ez, what's up?"

"Can I talk to you? And daddy?" She asked quietly. I frowned but quickly nodded. "Sure love. Let me get your brother and sisters settled and then we will have a chat okay?" She nodded and right as she went to go play, Jay came down. "Daddy!" She exclaimed jumping into his arms.

"Hey Munchkin! Are you ready for school?"

"I get to go later!" Jay looked at me and I nodded signaling I would tell him after.

"Okay Miss Baylie needs a bath, and I will go change the twins. Ez do you want to help me or Daddy?"

"You." She decided. Her behavior had definitely been off this morning but I would find out soon enough. I dropped the twins and Baylie at daycare and then came home to find Esmée and Jay playing hide and seek. "Mamas home!" I called out laughing at them.

"Hi babe." Jay greeted giving me a kiss as I walked into the hall. "Ez, come here honey!" Sure enough she came skipping down and then we all sat on the big sofa. "What did you want to talk about?"

"My family."

"Okay, what about it?"

"Why don't I have a grandma? All my friends have Grandmas. They bake cookies with them and take them places."

I took a breath knowing that someday I would have to tell my children about this."

"Baby, you know how when you were younger, your birth parents hurt you?" She nodded and then her eyes widened. "Did that happen to you too?"

"Sort of. My mama never really knew how to be a mom. She didn't care about me and she left me many times to go do bad things. But my old dad used to hurt me too. Remember when he took us to the dark and scary place?" I asked her. Remembering it, she buried her face in my shoulder. Seeing this, I brought her into my lap and scooted next to Jay. "When I was 14, Grandpa Hank saved me. That's why he's your Grandpa and he's my dad in my heart. As for your Grandma, her name is Bunny. She came around once when I was pregnant with Baylie. She was in trouble and made me try and help her."

"If you helped her, why didn't she come back?"

"I don't know love. I don't think she wanted to be a part of our life. She didn't think Daddy was for me, but he's here forever." She took a moment to process that but then asked the dreaded question.

"Can I meet her? If she doesn't like me than she doesn't get to be in our family right?" I thought it over for a moment before looking at Jay.

"Do you think we should try? The last time I saw her was..." I indicated to my head.

"I'll be there the whole time and we will set rules. She only gets to meet Ez. Not Baylie or the twins because we need to test her. We will tell her Esmée is adopted and see if she wants to have a visit. Another rule is, she doesn't get to come to the house. We will meet her in the park. With one cop in plainclothes, someone that we know standing by."

I nodded and we set up for Burgess to come as back up.


December 12th 2017-

After dropping the kids at daycare, we took Ez to the park. It was a good twenty minutes before Bunny showed up.

"Erin...Jay." She spoke seeing him. I hid Esmee behind my back till I was sure that she wasn't armed. "Bunny...this is my daughter. Baby say hello."

"Hi." She spoke shyly reaching for Jays hand.

"What's your name?" Bunny asked curiously. Esmée paused before looking up at Jay. "This is Esmée." He spoke for her.

"Hello Esmée, I'm Bunny. Erin's mom. Hearing that, suddenly Esmee wanted to be held. She did that only in public when she was uncomfortable or scared. I lifted her into my arms and kissed her before looking back at Bunny. "Erin, this can't be right. You haven't even worked at Chicago PD for 5 years. Your daughter looks six."

"I'm seven." She whispered.

"We adopted Esmée about a year ago. We also have three other children." Jay informed her.

"Wow, you've been busy. Little Erin is finally growing up." Sensing she was about to say something nasty, I told Esmée to cover her ears. "Did you knock up my daughter Jay? Erin are you a little slut? How many kids does one need? Goodness. Maybe my boyfriend's brother coming into your house and raping your disgusting orphan daughter was a sign." I gasped. She had hurt our precious daughter. Feeling the tears well up in my eyes, I managed to say one final piece.
"We are done here. We tried to introduce you to your possible grandchildren but you have no love in your heart. You have caused our family great pain and we will not let our children get hurt by your atrocious behavior. We are done. If you ever see us, do not talk to us. Goodbye Bunny. Have a nice life." With that we walked away with Ez still in my arms.


"Yes baby?"

"I don't like her. She was mean to us!" With that she began to cry. "Oh sweetie I'm so sorry we did this. You won't ever have to worry about it again. We have Grandpa Hank and that's all we need. I love you Esmée Halstead."

"I love you too Mama." With that she rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep, tear stains on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out babe." Jay whispered holding my hand.

I sighed. "Oh well. Now we can live our happy life. Come on, let's go pull the kids out of daycare and spend the day with them."

"I love that idea." So with that we walked out of the park hand in hand, with our sleeping precious daughter in my arms.

Okay so I hope you guys liked this chapter!

It was the quickest I've ever written one but i got the idea from a fanfic I read and plus I haven't brought Bunny in much. Anyways your votes and comments are greatly appreciated so please


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