John (Chapter 14)

Start from the beginning

"We don't know the entire situation-"

"Still, shouldn't we start looking for them? Why are we just sitting here talking about it when they could be in trouble?"

"We had to get you here safely, before they found you, before we started our investigation."

Zoey looked at her side, then back at Dad. "No offense," she said. "But I think that plan failed."

"Unfortunately, I can't deny that. But now you'll be safe while we try to find your father and..."

Zoey cut him off. "Wait just a minute! I'm not staying here while you guys are looking for my family. No way!"

"You have to stay here; it's not up to you."

"Uh, yes it is. Besides, I can totally help you!"

"How do you think you're going to do that?" I spoke up. "You've never been trained for combat or negotiations; you're just not cut out for this type of work. You'd probably get yourself killed."

Zoey looked at me with a strange look in her eyes. It was as if she was daring me to continue the reasons why she shouldn't go, yet it also like she was trying to analyze me at the same time; like picking at my emotions.

"You've never dealt with terrorists before," she said to me.

"Excuse me?"

"You've never worked against terrorism before. Your father has, but you and your brother haven't. You guys work more against crime here in the U.S. then against terrorism."

I'm not going to lie; I was a little startled by her statement. I could tell that Chris and Dad were too. Chris, who had been sitting right next to Zoey, slowly started scooting his chair away from her. Was that just a lucky guess? I mean, she didn't know anything about us, so how could she have known that? Yet there she was telling it like it was; Chris and I were rookies when it came to terrorism.

"How did you know that?" I asked her, not thinking to go about it more cautiously.

She smiled. "I didn't know for sure. I just assumed that your dad would never let you two deal with terrorism because, well, you're like my age. I can't believe he lets you fight crime, but that's off topic. My point is I got you guys to admit that you've never dealt with terrorists, making you no different than me."

"That last part isn't true at all." Chris said. "John and I have had training, even if it wasn't on how to prevent terrorism. We know how to defend ourselves and others, you don't."

Zoey turned to Chris. "I guess I can say this since I'm not welcomed back at my dad...uncle's house anymore; I've had self-defense lessons. My friend Pepper's father is an instructor and he taught me how to use a gun and knife and just about anything else you can think of. I know how to disarm people, stuff like that...pretty cool I think."

"Pretty cool except the fact that the people we're up against know how to counter all the simple stuff." Dad said. "No offense to John or Chris, but they might not even be ready for this, and they've been helping me for years. It would be irresponsible if I let you come with us."

"I also know how to negotiate, and how to..."

"Let me guess," Chris said. "You know how to read minds so you'll know what the bad guys are going to do before it even happens."

"Maybe," Zoey snapped at Chris. He just rolled his eyes.

"Please, let me help you! Let me help them."

"I'm sorry Miss Allen," Dad spoke up. "But you can't come with us. It's against all the rules and regulations. Sorry."

Zoey's face dropped. I felt sorry for her. I knew all she wanted to do was help, but she could get hurt and we couldn't risk that.

"Hey," I said leaning closer to her. "Trust us, ok? We'll find them."

She smiled at me. "I know you will." She looked at Dad. "I assume that room I was in is where I'm going to stay?"

"Yes, and if your wound starts to hurt or anything like that, we have doctors here who will be more than happy to help you. Don't hesitate to ask for anything."

"I assume asking for permission to go with you guys is not included in that offer?"

"You guessed right." Dad said smiling as he opened the door for her to leave.

"Thanks," she said as she stepped out the door. She turned around and addressed all of us. "I hope you find them soon."

"We will." Dad answered. He said good bye and shut the door. He turned back at us. "She seems like a sweet girl. I would put money on it that she follows every single rule. She shouldn't be a problem to the agents while we're gone."

Dad may have felt that way but I didn't. Zoey gave up her argument to go with us way to easily. I had a feeling she was going to try something. But the more I thought about, the more I realized it would be impossible for her to do anything in C.I.A. headquarters. She would be fine.


Big thanks to all of my followers who are reading!

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