Chris (Chapter 2)

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"Oh hell no are you getting away from me again!" I muttered to myself as I ran through the crowded streets of New York City. I was chasing a serial killer who the police couldn't find after three months, but it had only taken me and my brother one week to catch him in the act. Now all we had to do was bring him down.

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done.

I'm a fast runner, especially when I have an adrenalin rush. But this guy was fast. Even though we were moving against all the other people of the city, the killer wasn't having any problems at all. Maybe after you've killed 20 people your adrenalin rush increases...

"Chris! How are you doing?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well John, I've had better days. Like when I'm not chasing a serial killer through the streets of New York with a million other people to look out for!"

"I meant do you still see him?"

"Yeah but, he's fast! I'm getting tired, and it looks like he has no intention of taking a breath!"

"If you had waited for me you wouldn't be running right now. I could have shot him in the leg or something as soon as he started running."

"Shut up, John and hurry the hell up! Our best bet is for you to cut him off on 8th street."

"I will be there in less than a minute."

I mentally kicked myself. John was right; I should have just waited for him. If I had, John could have just pulled his gun out and shot the killer to make him stop running.

John was a trained gunman, while I was still in training. No actually, that's a lie. I had already been trained; I had even been given my license. But I screwed up one assignment big time. I shot a bystander as the man I was trying to shoot weaved through people. I shouldn't have taken the shot at all, but I did. The bystander lived, but I felt horrible.

Even though I had been chewed out by the director himself, he had said I could keep my license as long as I kept practicing. I kept it, but then it hit me as I was trying to practice for the first time after the accident; I was afraid to shoot. I couldn't even force myself to pull the trigger, and if that happened while I was on a case... I insisted that I totally retrain, and turned everything in. That was only about six months ago. I hadn't shot a gun since then, though I knew how important it was for me to get my licenses back.

But as I was running, I realized how awesome it would have been to have had a gun to end this mad chase.

"Chris! I see him! This is your case, so it's your call. Shoot to kill?"

I thought for a couple seconds. If this guy had a partner like the police suspected, then we needed him alive. Oh but how I would have loved to see a bullet in that guy's head.

"Shoot to injure."

A loud shot rang out, then another. As always, people screamed and ran all over the place trying to get away, making it harder to see if John had hit his mark (although I was almost certain he had).

"Federal Agent, coming through! Clear away in an orderly fashion!"

"Why should we listen to you? You're just a kid!"

"Federal Agent...? Please! He's still in high school!"

Why do people always say it like that's such a bad thing? Is it really that uncommon for a high school student to be working for the government...? Don't answer that . But speaking of school, we needed to hurry and wrap up this case before my teachers got suspicious. I'd already missed two more days than I had told them I would, and I figured they were going to be really mad when I did show up. Besides that, I wanted to see my girlfriend Karen again before she and her family went to Europe for vacation.

Although there was a lot of complaining, when I pulled my badge out, everyone cleared away. I saw the killer, who was lying on the ground groaning, yet, smiling...

John walked up, his weapon drawn, causing more screams.

"I know I'm going to regret asking this," John started,looking at the killer in confusion. "But why is he smiling? He has a bullet in each of his legs! Are you cracking jokes, Chris?"

I shrugged. "I haven't said a thing. When I walked up he was smiling."

"Did anyone call an ambulance?"

"I'm sure someone did"


"Well what?"

"What are you waiting for? Cuff him so I can put my gun away!"

"Oh. Right"

John and I have this system that involves rock, paper, scissors as to who is going to lead the investigation; in other words, tell the other what to do. Well, I have the worst luck ever with that game, so naturally I always loose, meaning John takes the case. But I got lucky and won the round we did for this one. But, like I was saying, I don't get much practice with this leader stuff. But I know I'll get it sooner or later if I can keep winning the game. Pretty sad when you really think about it; my role in cases depends on rock, paper, scissors.


The police came and took the killer away, who we decided was a really sick person and that's why he was smiling about getting shot. The police explained that they had already caught the guy's partner trying to make another kill without his buddy. Sick, but at least the case was closed.

"So when can we go back to D.C.?" I asked.

John took out his phone and played with it a little, then said, "I just booked us the next

flight out of here in two hours."

"Thank goodness. I hate this city!"


I know they're short chapters, but i feel like there's enough in them to keep poeple interested. Let me know if I'm wrong! I can always add more! :) Comment and vote plaese!


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