John (Chapter 41)

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I just remember everything hurting.

When I finally regained some sense of consciousness, I really wish I hadn't.  Everything I could possibly feel came to me in a rush, but then I felt extremely light headed and feeling nothing but that. I was convinced I was dying.  

"Hey, you're fine," I vaguely heard Chris's voice.  It sounded muffled to me, and when I tried to look at him, I saw about four very blurry versions.  I tried to raise my arm but it felt like Dwayne Johnson had a grip on it.  I tried again, thinking I was definitely stronger than The Rock, but a wave of dizziness came over me.  

"Okay, you really need to not do that,"  Chris said, and I felt the weight on my arm tighten.  I looked down at them, still trying to make sense of what was wrong with me.  I saw that Chris was actually the one holding my arms down.  I saw that there was a considerable amount of blood, not only on his hands, but everywhere.

"What..?"  I tried to sit up, more in a state of panic than anything.  I couldn't remember where we were or how we had gotten there; everything was jumbled up.

"Listen, I think we've stopped the bleeding for now, but if you don't sit the still, it's going to start all over again, and we really don't have time for that.  So either lay down and stay put or I will purposely knock you out again."

I slowly lowered myself to the floor...wait, this floor was moving.

"Chris, what the hell..."

"Shh," Chris stopped me.  "Daniel, do you kind of have a hang on this?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, I think."  I turned my head in the direction of Daniel's voice.  When I realized the floor was moving, I had assumed we were in a car.  But that would have been too normal.

"We're going to die," I mumbled under my breath.  

"Well with that kind of attitude," my dad.  I looked over in his direction and he offered a weak grin.  He was propped up against the wall, and next to him was Carson, who was holding his daughter.  That's when I noticed Zoey.

"Is she...?"  I knew she wasn' know.  But I could tell by the blood stain on her shirt it was serious enough.

"She'll be fine once we get out of here,"  Carson responded.  He sounded the most tense out of everyone.

Suddenly, one side of the tank sounded like it had been hit with a massive firework.  Everyone jumped, and then we all collectively let out a painful moan afterward.

"Daniel?"  Chris called out.  I could hear the skepticism creeping into his voice. 

"Okay, this is probably a really bad plan, but I think it's the only one we got," Daniel replied. He sounded slightly more tense than his father now.

"Do tell," Chris said, slightly exasperated.

"The plane."

"Oh, fantastic plan, yeah.  And who here can fly a freaking plane?"

My dad spoke up.  "Me."

My brother and I looked at him incredulously.  "Since when?" Chris asked.

"A few years ago.  It's a long story.  The point is, I know how."

"Good enough for me," Daniel said.  He violently turned the tank and we all shifted again, causing another moan.

"Sorry," he said, though he sounded more distracted than apologetic.

I inhaled sharply.  Something didn't feel right.  Everything burned and I was struggling to breathe.  

"Shi-" I heard Chris right before I blacked out again.


I can actually write a chapter in a day now, yay!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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