Can't Be

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I stared at the doctor blankly.

Cancer... I have lung cancer?

"Miss Moore? Are you alright?" The doctor looked at me with concern.

"Is... is it bad?" I looked up at the doctor.

He sighed, "It's at a middle stage, Miss. There isn't a cure sadly, it can go by itself though."

It can and can't...

"Miss Moore, let me ask you, do you smoke?" The doctor asked.

I nodded.

"Well, if you want a longer life span I suggest you stop smoking and don't drink a lot, if you drink."

I nodded.

"I'll just leave you two alone, but Miss, you are free to go whenever. Just make sure you sign out" The doctor gave me one last look, then left.

"Lily, I'm.. I'm so sorry.." Paul hugged me.

I was speechless.

"I'm gonna die, Paul" I said softly.

"No, no you're not going to die!" His voice cracked.

Poor Paul. He lost his own mom when he was young from cancer, sadly I can't control this.

"Paul.. You tell the boys, alright? I don't want to face them.." I looked down, Paul just nodded.

"I never got to live life.." I said softly.

Paul turned to me, "What do you mean?"

"Paul, I was married and had a child. But Dan is in jail, I'm divorced now, and Amy is dead. I was in love with John but he got Yoko pregnant..." I looked back at him.

"Do you even know what John said to me?"

Paul shook his head, "No.."

"He showed me this little box, and it was an engagement ring. He was going to marry me. He said we were going to have many children, but no. Things are getting worse, Paul! Just face it. I have a great career, and great friends like you. But that's it!"

Paul kept shaking his head.

"George loves you.." He mumbled.

I snapped my head back at him, "Paul, I don't love George in that way. I love John. I will never love anybody the way I love John. You don't get it!" I threw my hands up.

Paul sighed, "We'll get through this, Lily. You'll make it" He placed his hand on my knee, shaking it.

I shrugged, "I've lost hope already, Paul... But I promise you, I'll try."

Paul weakly smiled, I kissed him on the cheek.

He looked at me oddly.

I softly chuckled, "It's friendly, Paul!"

Paul smirked.


We went straight home. Paul just dropped me off though, once I walked through the door I immediately got a phone call.

I sighed, stomping my feet towards the telephone.


"Lily? H-hey, it's me.. John"

My heart dropped.


"Yes, love. I can't talk for long, because Yoko has gone out. But listen, I get to be on a holiday." He cheered.


"Yeah! Yoko wants her and I to be apart for as long as she wants-" He sighed

"We'll still be married though.. But, I'll be able to see you again! I know you don't like cheater, but we can be loving again! In hiding of course.."

I didn't know what to say. It's wrong, because he's married... But he's married because I told him too... Take the chance, Lily. You may never love him again.


"Alright, John. I'll take your offer" I smiled.

"Yes! Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I'll come around sometime, just, make sure you're home!" He cheered.

"Will it just be you?" I asked.

"Yes, Sean won't be coming with us."

Sean.... So that's his name.

I smiled again, "Alright, John!"

"Alright, Love! See you tomorrow, bye!"

My heart fluttered, love.

"Bye, John" We hung up.

As I hung up I remembered something important.

He must not know I have lung cancer yet..

I sighed for a moment, but became really happy again.

John's coming home!

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