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I took one last puff from my cigarette, Paul was in the studio with me today.

I'm still very heart broken over John, but there is no use crying over something so beautiful... a baby.

John and Yoko had there baby on October 9, John's birthday.

It pained me more to know, no matter what. We can't get back together.

I sat down on my seat, in front of my piano. I need him.

Corks off, it's on...

The party's just begun...

I promise this..

Drink is my last one

I know I fucked up again

'Cause I lost my only friend....

God forgive my sins

Don't leave me, I...

Oh, I'd hate myself until I die

My heart would break without you

Might not awake without you

Been hurting low from living high for so long

I'm sorry, and I love you

Stay with me, "Bell Bottom Blue"

I'll keep on searching for an answer 'cause I need you more than dope

I need you more than dope

Need you more than dope

I need you more than dope

I need you more than dope

Toast one last puff

And two last regrets

Three spirits and

Twelve lonely steps

Up heaven's stairway to gold

Mine myself like coal

A mountain of his soul

Each day, I cry....

Oh, I feel so low from living high!

I started pushing the keys harder, feeling it all. John, love, everything.

My heart would break without you

Might not awake without you

Been hurting low from living high for so long

I'm sorry, and I love you

Stay with me, "Bell Bottom Blue"

I'll keep on searching for an answer 'cause I need you more than dope

I need you more than dope

Need you more than dope

I need you more than dope

I need you more than dope

I need you more

Need you more

Tears fell, I started shaking uncontrollably.

I need you more than dope...

I cried, singing that last note.

Paul came rushing to me, hugging me.

"I...I just need him, Paul" I sobbed.

"Shh... Darling, I know it's hard. But it's time to move on.." He stroked my hair gently..

I whispered, "Please.."


Paul and I started walking back to my home, until a whole bunch of paparazzi started flashing there cameras and asking questions.

"What happened between you and John?!" One shouted

"Who ended it?!"

"Did John cheated?!"

A single tear escaped from my eye, I stopped walking.

"I would like it if you all respected my privacy, if you want to ask questions then ask Mr. Lennon" I quickly held Paul's hand, as we ran back towards my home.

I saw a flash, as someone just took a picture of Paul and I holding hands.

Oh, God... I hope John doesn't see that.


Paul and I lost them, as we walked down the street where my house lies.

I started coughing.

"Lily, are you alright?" Paul stopped walking, he looked at me, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, don't worry Paul.." He looked at me oddly, then we started walking again.

I lost feeling in my legs, I fell to the ground, coughing uncontrollably.

"You aren't okay, Lily" He lifted me up, bridal style, running towards his car.

"Where are you takin- Ah!" I placed my hands over my chest quickly.

Paul started driving, "What's wrong, Lily?"

"I-I don't know! My, my lung hurts!" I winced in pain.


It's been 3 hours.

I sat there in a hospital gown, in a hospital bed.

The doctors gave me medication, it's working, but Paul and I still don't know what's going on.

Paul sat there on a chair beside my bed.

"How are you feeling, Lily?" He softly asked.

"Weak.." I smiled weakly.

He nodded, "We'll find out what's going on soon." He looked away.

We heard a knock on the door, the doctor walked in.

"Hello Ms. Moore, how are you feeling?" The doctor smiled at me.

I shrugged, "I'm alright, doc."

"Well, you may feel alright, but I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.."

I looked at Paul, both of our eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, but Ms.Moore. It appears you have lung cancer."


A/N: That was Lady GaGa's song "Dope"

The New Girl in Townजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें