McGonagall's Edict

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Hermione bit her lip and frowned at Ron and Harry when she saw them dueling with a pair of Fred and George's fake wands after they had finished transforming their guinea fowl into guinea pigs. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, it seemed doubtful to Hermione that Ron would ever grow up, and though she continued to hold out some hope for Harry, she rather thought he should take his schoolwork more seriously and be more attentive in class.

But as she put her guinea pig into the cage next to Harry's after giving her own one last look to make sure everything was all in order, Hermione had to give Harry his due. She was rather impressed; Harry's guinea pig was perfect, especially compared to Ron's, which still had a beak, and Neville's, which still had feathers - and the less was said about Seamus's which looked as if it had been through a war zone, the better.

Glancing back at Harry, who appeared to be winning the duel with a fake wand which had turned into a haddock, it occurred to Hermione that Harry was simply happy to have Ron back as his friend after being on the outs with him for a month. Hermione supposed he'd earned a moment to just cut loose, given all the stress he'd been under.

"Potter! Weasley! Will you pay attention?" McGonagall's whiplike voice snapped out severely. Gulping, Harry and Ron quickly took their seats.

"Now that Potter and Weasley have kindly acted their age, I have an announcement to make," McGonagall began when she was sure the class was listening. "The Yule Ball is approaching - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament..."

"So that's why we needed dress robes," Hermione heard Seamus whisper at Dean as McGonagall continued, explaining that the Ball would only be open to fourth years and above, excepting younger students who were invited by a fourth year.

Ron looked horrified at the idea, clearly thinking about the frilly vintage dress robes his mother had bought for him.

Harry shrank back in his seat, his face reddening, when Parvati and Lavender giggled and turned to look at him. Inexplicably, Hermione felt a wave of irritation. Surely they didn't think Harry was interested in inviting either of them. But then Hermione's blood ran cold, remembering how Parvati had stuck up for Neville during the Remembrall Incident in first year.

Being who he was, Harry put a lot of stock in things like that. Sure, Parvati may be a bit giggly, but she was brave and kind, and unquestionably pretty. Harry might like her. Then again, Harry had also been stealing a lot of glances at Cho Chang this year.

Feeling more irritable by the minute, and not entirely certain why, Hermione almost didn't notice when the bell rang. Uncharacteristically, she began roughly shoving her books in her bag, and stood up quickly. Ron gave her a funny look.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What?" Hermione was briefly taken aback. "Oh... er, nothing..." she lied, casting around her brain for an excuse. Then Hermione thanked her lucky stars when Ron was distracted by McGonagall calling after Harry.

"Potter - a word, if you please?"

Puzzled, Hermione hovered by the door with Ron as they waited to see what McGonagall wanted with Harry. Obviously worried that he would be called to account for the "sword-fight" he'd had with Ron, Harry meekly and guiltily proceeded to McGonagall's desk.

McGonagall narrowed her eyes at Hermione and Ron, apparently expecting them to leave with the rest of the students. Ron gulped; he glanced nervously at Hermione, then quickly shot out the door before McGonagall could give him detention too. Hermione hesitated, staring down McGonagall. When Hermione didn't budge, McGonagall sighed, apparently deciding to leave well enough alone and get on with things.

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