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A/N I don't own Jeff but I own the story plot .

Warning : this chapter contains a school lock down and blood and gore so please don't read if it may trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable. You've been advised.


  I was only a small child when I was taken into child protective services. My arrival only came to be because of an abusive alcoholic grandfather and two dead a parents. Maybe life would've been even more shittier with him, maybe I'd be one of those teen moms with eight different sugar daddies. After being taken away from the house I was immediately enrolled into a catholic orphanage where my days consisted of waking up early in the mornings and reading bible verses, being feed spoonful after spoonful of the Old Testaments and later on studying stem courses.
       It's not like I had very little friends, I had none. One day as my class was going over geometry there was a lockdown. I remember hearing people people screaming yelling whilst I was in the restroom washing my face. The loud foot steps would echo and thud down the hallways and you'd hear bodies slam against three walls from the opposite side,sliding down hitting the ground with a dull thud. God if anything was more chilling to the bone  it would have to be remembering how two girls would later slide into the bathroom pass the maniac, both of them covered in the others blood, whilst one was loosing consciousness,

"M-maddie, it hurts so much" the bleeding girl said as she leaned against a wall, while the other tried to hold her firend only  covering her in more blood during the process. I sprinted to the door to lock it. "You need to stay awake, Stacy. I-I don't know what to do but we need to stay here until the announcements go on or some shit." Her words trembled as she strained to remain calm. My eyes widened as I saw the scene flash before me,  "What's going on?!" I managed to whispered as I moved closer toward them. Stacy was busy trying to happen her Maddie stop bleeding but her facial expression deadass told everyone Jc the room we were doomed. "WHATS GOING ON?"

    I said even louder, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched more and more blood seep onto the floor, enveloping Maddie's knees in blood. Maddie twirled her head around to me out of her shocked state "We-everybody was outside eating lunch and me and Stacy w-were walking on he woods nearby. W-we went too far off the trail and noticed this man following us." She cut herself off as I watched a big fat juicy tear roll down her cheekbone as she noticed Stacy wasn't talking. Stacy laid solemnly against the wall, face directing itself to the ceilling as her breathes got more labored. "Stacy ." Maddie whimpered watching as Maddie's eyelids struggling to stay open. "Stacy, stand up we need to-" just then we heard a loud, Hard slam against the restroom door. "FUCK." I yelped as the bashing became more and more intense, each hit against the door soon began making it more and more weak to the point of which the door know began crumbling apart.

    We both stared at each other nervously as the other gripped onto the lifeless trying to scavenge for relief. "Fuck fuck fuck-" I was stammering through my sentence and began crying. "COme on COme on!" I whimpered struggling to pull Maddie from Stacy to the handicap stall. I practically stoved her into the stall, her body clashing to the wall as I closed the door with a slam and locked it. We had barely made it in when a loud slam reverberated from the bathroom door back to us.
    Shaking and gasping we both sandwiched each other into the corner farthest away from the stall door. We watched as the silhouette walked, tall and dark moving farther into the back of the restroom as it's dull foot steps followed it, soon stopping to Stacy. We watched anxiously as they kneeled down as if the silhouette studied Stacy. She was long dead but still I shuttered as I heard the manic's strangled laughs erupt from the silhouette, soon pulling out a knife and into Stacy.
     A sloshing sound followed and Maddie began crying even harder than before. Quickly I put my clamy cold hand against her mouth and pinched her nose to ensure she'd be quiet. I quickly turned to see if the man had heard only to see he was moving his way back toward us. Our spot had been compromised and we both began screaming as he struggled to kick the door open. We began thrashing as Maddie yelled repeatedly "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"
     The door creaked opened to reveal the maniac behind the chaos. There he stood tall and leaning a bit and panting with a grotesque grin which was carved into the skin and traveled up to both his ears. His hair was a dark mangled mess framing his eyes which were dark green and blurring with pure rage and excitement as he stood there dripping in blood, wearing a hoodie and dark denim jeans and boots. His hand held a chiefs knives. At the sight of him we shrieked even louder. As began walking closer and closer to us Maddie began pushing me from her as if I were a human shield. My eyes widened even more at her actions as I was shoved toward this maniac. As soon as I was pushed toward him I felt a burning, bitter feeling in my arm and screamed as the feeling grew more intense. It's not like I could escape at this moment because as soon as I fell into his arms I was being held by the waist and couldn't do much to fight back. So in a wave of panic and adrenaline I shoved him into the tile wall. It knock ed he breath out of him and he let lose of me and I began running toward the exit as fast as I could with out looking back. My stomach dropped as I passed Stacy. Her once soft puffy cheeks had been cut apart so badly that it created flaps on her face and revealed the back of her teeth. She was laying on the ground, her button up shirt had been lifted up and her guts spilled out of her like slimy pink rope covered in blood and her blond hair had been pulled carelessly out of the bun she'd been wearing earlier now barely covering her face. I was going to vomit. I had barely know the girl, the exception being was having her in my English 2 class, but still I felt so terrible that she had to die this way. This dehumanizing way.
     I ran into the main hallway and heard Maddie's let out a deafening shriek as i left. My legs carried me with as much strength god could give a girl and out the doors, into the grass, and fainted.
     Paramedics surrounded me, shrouding me with questions. But those questions became gargles as the removed my shirt and o fainted in an ambulance. 

Heeeey so like I haven't wrote fanfiction on a long time so have this shit.

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