chapter twenty-nine

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Melody's point of view

"So stubborn!" I walked down the stairs, fanning my face so that my make up will not be ruined by my tears.

"You don't get to stand behind me!" I heard Hannah's voice.

I stopped and peeped around the corner. Courtney is crying on the floor with her heels scattered around her. Hannah was towering over her but she walked back into the indoor sports hall.

I sucked my breath as quietly as possible and reversed my tracks to the other exit. Once I'm outside, my first instinct was to call Jeff. He didn't pick up so I text him to meet me outside.

I took a deep breath while waiting. My tear ducts failed to control my tears and it slides down my face, hot and rapid. I sank on the ground, covering my face and shivering.

"I got you, Mel. Let's go. Let's go," Jeff placed his jacket over my shoulders and took me to his car.

"What happened?" He turns the heater on and handed me tissues.

"I broke up with Monty," I sobbed.

"Hey, Melody. It's okay," He pulls me into a hug and I cried harder.

"I think it would be better this way. He can go around sleeping with other girls, get drunk and do drugs. I won't care!"

"It's okay, Mel," Jeff rubs my back. "I'll send you home, okay?"

Clearing my dry throat, I just nodded and pulled away to put on the safety belt. Jeff switched on the engine and drive out of the school's parking lot.

"You will be okay?" He asked while dropping me off and walking me to my front door.

"Yeah. What a night though. Going to the winter formal just to break up with Monty," I wiped my dried tears on my cheeks.

"What you would do actually," Jeff admitted.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I know you too well. You'll go to sleep as soon as your head reach the pillow. Don't forget to remove your makeup. You look like you've been through a lot tonight," Jeff shakes his head at me.

"Thanks, Jeff. Can you pick me up for school tomorrow?" I shyly asked.

"Yes, Mel. I'll be here first thing in the morning to send us to school. See you tomorrow," He walked to his car.

The lights were switched off when I stepped into the house. I go to my room quietly and get ready for bed.

Jeff was wrong. I did not fell asleep as soon as my head hits my pillows. I wish I did though. I kept thinking of Monty.

Did I really dressed up only to break up with him? He was asking for it though. I was right about his ego. We could have settled it that day but he just has to drown whatever he was feeling with drugs.

Not only that, he crashed Bryce's Halloween party. Literally crashed through the door. He wanted attention so badly, he got it. Halloween was my favourite holiday. Now when I think of it, I get reminded of him. Again, I dressed up for him but it was unnecessary.

To think, I was actually falling in love with him but I'm glad that I pushed him away when he was needy. He was sweet to me though. Protect and care for me like a lover does. It was cute while it lasted.

How will I face him tomorrow? We have most of our classes together. Will he let Bryce hit on me? Jesus, I will kill myself the next second.

Then the argument between Courtney and Hannah flashes my mind. What is going on between the two of them? I remember a photograph of two girl kissing going around school. Could it be the two of them? I'll ask Hannah, she might need a friend to talk to as well.

My alarm goes off as per usual and I followed a routine to get dress and have breakfast. Honking from outside indicate that Jeff has arrived. I went outside and he drove us to school.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No. I'm anxious."

"You don't have to be anxious. I'll be with you," He says.

"Okay but we don't have many classes together," I picked on my nails.

"You'll be fine," He patted my knee.

We arrived at school and when I stepped inside, it feels like everyone is staring at me. They weren't but it felt like it. I spotted Monty, Bryce and their friends at their usual corner near the drinking fountain.

Why do I still pay attention to him? I whipped out my phone and pretend to be interested in it while I walked past.

"Are you done playing with her, Monty?" I heard Bryce say.

I didn't hear any response from him. I took out my books and went straight to homeroom class.

"I heard what happened between you and Monty. Are you okay?" Sherri sat next to me and shortly after, Jeff came in.

"Uh. Yeah. I'm okay. Words travel fast. Who did you hear it from?" I turned my head away from the door.

"Just some of the cheerleaders. Are you sure you're okay? We can hang out after school and go shopping to take your mind off things," She suggested.

"Okay," I tiredly answered back.

The bell rings for us to go to our first class. Jeff, Sherri and I parted ways. Somehow, I ended up behind Monty with his friends. The back of his head is my view and his laughter is all the only noise I hear.

I shook my head, hug my books tightly against my chest and overtake them, rushing into first-period class and finding a seat.

"Hey, Ryan," I sat next to him.

"What's up?"

"Not much. How was winter formal for you and Tony? Fun? Romantic?" I teased.

"It was sad and boring. Tony had to take care of the dj booth. I was stuck next to him."

"What I experienced as well," I agreed.

"Yeah, I heard, girl. Don't worry about the knucklehead. He'll come to his senses," Ryan said, confusing me.

"What? What did you hear?"

"That he broke up with you. I thought it was an illusion because he was so head over heels for you."

"That's not really what happened. I broke up with him. I thought he would be better off without a chain to his neck," I admitted.

"Really? I don't know what spell you used on him but he needs it to keep him grounded," Ryan said, snapping me back to reality.

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author's note

reload this book, i made some changes and corrected most of the chapters.

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