Part 20

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Shelby's POV

"Sugar Tits, I've never been good at this. And you not telling me nothing about them ain't helping my nerves" Brantley grumbles as we get closer to my parents' house. After days of persuading, I finally talked him into coming to my parents' with me for Thanksgiving. I wanted him to meet my brothers and pops. 

Brantley and I have been dating for a bit over a month now and he has me armed at all times, and can't go 12 hours without a proof of life check from me. I've never seen someone be more protective of me. It's really sweet but at the same time, I feel like it's overkill.

"Don't worry about it. They're all cool, normal people. My mom will treat you just like my brothers but nicer and my pops may interrogate you for a little bit but by the time we leave, he'll have no problem with you", I reassure him quickly as we turn onto my parents' street. In theory, this should go well, they've never reacted badly with any of my other boyfriends. Why would they start now?

Brantley pulled my truck into the thankfully big enough driveway right behind the 6 other vehicles and sighed. "Let's go", he said, reluctantly opening his door and hopping out. 

I told him not to worry about bags right now and just meet them first so we headed to the front door and I knocked and waited for Momma. I could already hear talking and a couple giggling kids through the front porch window and the excitement was building. 

Brantley's POV

As soon as we pulled up, my heart was racing. I already knew Shelby's dad was a sheriff but I couldn't help that feeling of 'Oh fuck' when I pulled up behind a police car. It wasn't a worry of would they hate me or would they love me, I could give two shits what they thought of me, but I know Shelby values her families opinions, and if they really have a problem with me then I may lose her.

A shorter boy with a man bun of all things slung the door to the large house open, excitedly. He looked to be in his early 20's and from the way hugged and talked to Shelby, flamboyantly gay. I was expecting a handshake at most so I'm sure Shelby could understand my surprise and lack of comfort when the small man tightly hugged me. I resisted the urge to shove the little shit and looked over at Shelby who was shamelessly laughing at my suffering. 

"Z- Za-... Zander" she caught her breath long enough to pull him away and tell him "He's not a hugger and I don't want him shooting you. Calm it down a little". The recognition showed on his face just before he let out a long "Ohhhhh." and stuck out his hand to shake mine. 

"I apologize. You just look like a hugger to me. I'm Zander, nice to meet you" he said, excitedly shaking my hand as I reluctantly shook his back and growled "Brantley. You too".

I felt Shelby elbow me in the side for growling as Zander opened the door and invited me in, specifically. Oh, fuck this shit. As soon as Shelby and I stepped in the door, her family started crowding around for hugs from her and unexpected looks at me.

"Sheby!!", I looked down to see a little girl, maybe around 5 or 6 years old running to Shelby as she picked her up and gave her kisses. A small smile crept onto my face as I watched them giggle and play.

Shelby held the small girl on her hip as she announced to everyone, "Y'all, this is my boyfriend, Brantley. Be nice or I'll let him hurt you" she specifically targeted the last sentence towards all 4 of her brothers.

Honestly, this was a little overwhelming. I've never had to deal with this many family members of the person I was dating, and all eyes are on me.

Shelby's POV

As Brantley started to introduce himself to people one-by-one, I was dragged off to the living room by my dad and Morgan. "Just to get this out of the way, I love you, I miss you, you need to come to visit more, blah blah blah," my dad said, quickly hugging me and kissing my head before telling me, "You have terrible taste in men. Those three rules were just a guideline, I didn't think you'd ever get close to them, much less break them".

Oh lord the three rules. After I turned 15, my parents had three rules only when it came to me dating, just to filter out all the big bads at the door. They went in this order: No previous children, No face tattoos, No history of prison or extended jail time. And I have probably broken all of them.

"I know, not the greatest first impression, but you have to actually meet him. The personality doesn't always meet the look, you taught me that." I whined and stomped my foot, both of them mirroring each other with a groan and head shake.

Morgan spoke up and sighed, "I'll be civil. We both will. But if he raises one red flag, so help me God-"

"Screwdriver", I quickly interrupt with crossed arms. Pops chuckles off to the side and Morgan only smiles, hugging me and laughing "Exactly".

When I get back to Brantley, he's cracking jokes with all the girls and Zander and Brian. Case, Ryan, and Morgan are just glaring as my dad reaches out to shake Brantleys' hand roughly.

I just watch in awe. He's not even cussing. He's trying so damn hard to make a good impression and it's adorable. I love that big mean goofball.

After an hour or so, everyone eventually calms down. Me and all the girls, along with Zanders' boyfriend Brian end up in the kitchen with Momma and the rest of the boys and the kid's sprawl out on the couch watching football. I can faintly hear Brantley, Case, and Morgan all talking about their shared favorite football team, and sure enough, Ryan snoring while my dad plays with the kids. I just can't help but smile. Me, Stephanie, Tasha, Momma and Brian all end up helping out with one thing or another while gossip fills the room. Familiar talk of drama at the church and of course some peoples love like, aka me, but I don't mind. It's just good to be home.

Author's Note: After many many requests to update this, I found some motivation for it. I hope everyone enjoys it :)

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