Part 5

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Brantley's POV

"I know Becky won't let you stay anywhere other than with her unless you tell her you have your own place, so your staying in the apartment above to club. It'll be easier to get you to drop-offs quick if your already here" Boss explains to me and I couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong, I love my momma but I can't keep sleeping in that damn glorified baby crib every night, shit'll fuck up my back even more than it already is. "Here, we put a lock on it...... Just incase" he says throwing me a set of keys and as soon as I catch them, I give him a hug, grab my food and head up there. Its been a while since I seen the place. Most the time, the only time I was up there was when I was drunk and had a girl up there so I don't think I paid much attention to the details of the rooms. Pretty much all I thought was 'there's a counter, bed, couch and floor. Which one are we fucking on?'. I unlock and the door and step inside into the living room where there ain't much more than a couch, coffee table and I small tv. I think this aighta work. I sit down on the couch and sit my food down on the coffee table while I try to find something to watch. I settle on Forest Gump then open up the togo box after moving the plastic wrapped brownie off the top. The guys were ranting and raving about this girls food, especially the brownies. And nobody can blame tats for saying 'it's Willie's special recipe' and making us all crack up. Okay now I've gotta work tomorrow and damn has it been a long time since I've done this. I started this shit cause I thought it was badass but I didn't realize how fucking dangerous it was and I got more than myself hurt with it, that's why I'm not living with momma. If I live with her and I bring work home with me it puts her in danger, and I ain't going down that road again.

After finishing my food, which was damn good by the way, I turn off the TV and go into the bedroom. Yeah, this'll definitely work, I've got two closets and a bed. That's all I need and I could do with less. After throwing away my trash out I lock the door and go down to my bike, hoping back on and put on my helmet. headed back to momma's to get my stuff and because I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to go shopping this late. And if she does then fuck me. My opinion on shopping hasn't changed any..... It still sucks!

Once I get back to momma's she's fixing supper and I tell her I already ate and the news that I've got my own place. She asks me "So quick?" and I just nod my head, walking back to my old room. I put my guitar in it's case about the time Kolby walks in "um... brother I got something for ya". I turn around and he's holding a small-ish box that seems vaguely familiar. He lifts the lid and I tackle him in a hug "Thank you so much Kolby". Once I pull back at take the box from him and start looking through. It's all my rings. Every single one. I start to remember what else I had in this box and my eye's go wide before Kolby says "Don't worry about it. I've hid condoms in weird places too.... just never been to prison, leaving you to find them". I playfully punch him in the chest and pull out a couple of my favorites, my 'Fuck You Pay Me' ring and my eagle ring followed by my sex ring (small depiction of a couple having sex) and my middle finger one. "Damn it feels good to have these back on" I say digging through the box again to find some for my other hand. I go for a few classics on my right hand; my '13' ring, my HarleyDavidson ring and my very classic skull ring. Just looking down at my stainless steal clad fingers put a smile on my face, I don't feel naked anymore. "I have a feeling you're glad I got em from your apartment before they dumped all your stuff. And I went with momma to get you some clothes cause you weren't back yet and she just couldn't wait to go shopping. There's like 10 pairs of jeans and a bunch of all black t-shirts in the closet with a couple belts, figured it was simple enough for you to be okay with them". I stare at Kolby in shock before asking "Have you just become the best little brother ever since I've been gone". He smiles and shakes his head no before saying "Congrats on starting to get your shit together" and bro hugs me, patting my back. "Now are you gonna stay at your new place tonight or here until tomorrow to get your stuff there". I look back at the tiny bed and already feel the back pain and tell him "I think I'm gonna stay there cause that bed is gon' kill me if I sleep on it one more night". He nods before clapping a hand on my should and says "Just make time for us to hang out tomorrow, Eli and Ashley are having a bonfire and you've gotta meet little miss". "Who?" I ask confused and rolls his eyes turning around to walk out and calls out over his shoulder "Tinsley". Oh I guess he calls her little miss. Going over to my closet, I check the size on the jeans and shirts to make sure they'll fit before I take them back to the club and they should, if not I'll cut a couple slits in them to make them a little looser. I throw everything in a plastic bag and gently sit my box of rings in there, hoping they don't spill then head back to the living room where momma's watching the news. "I gotta go home momma" I tell her and she gets up and gives me a hug before saying "I love you sweetie, please try to stay out of trouble". I look down at her and I can see the worry in her eyes. God, momma you're not making this any easier. "I will" I mumble quietly before giving her one more hug and kiss on the forehead before walking out the door. Damn, I hate lying to her.

S.Y.L.O. (Brantley Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now