Part 8

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Brantley's POV

After Shelby snuggles up to me she looks up to meet my eyes and asks "You're not leaving?". I just grin and tell her "Sweetheart, I'm not 19 anymore, I don't fuck a woman and disappear before she wakes up" and the smile that spread across her face was amazing. She starts pulling the covers back on her side of the bed and I ask her what she's doing and she just looks back at me with a smirk. "I don't like sleeping without a shirt on and since you ripped my mine do you mind if I just slip on yours?" she asks hopeful and cocky at the same time until I rumble "Go ahead" and she scrambles to get my shirt out of the floor and easily slide it on over her naked torso. "Now we can cuddle" She says, diving back under the covers and into my arms. I almost jump when she lays her hand on my side at the freezing stainless steel ring on her pinky. Damn, almost forgot about that. "Ya know you're gonna have to tell me the story of where that ring came from. Never seen the guys give a girl one, much less a girl that don't even ride" I tell her, holding her hand and looking at the ring. It's smaller than the ones we wear and thankfully doesn't have any inappropriate words or symbols on it. Just says 'Protected By The Ga Outlaws MC' so looks like I've gotta protect this girl too. She must of done something pretty big for the guys if they gave her this. Shelby finally answers me with a sleepy "Then you'll have to tell me the meaning of all yours, Outlaw" before resting her head back against my bare chest and letting sleep take over. I just smile and kiss her forehead before following her lead.

I wake up in the most comfortable position ever with my face buried in Shelby's hair but the light whispering and the shaking of my tattooed shoulder isn't exactly making me happy. I look over my shoulder to see Coon standing by the bed telling me to get up. "Man, what the fuck are you doing here" I ask, surprised and irritated at his presents. "We've been trying to call you cause we got work to do. I knew peanut gave you her number and figured if you weren't asleep at the club or at Becky's you'd be here and I needed to come get you" he explains quickly, trying not to wake the sleeping angel in my arms. "You know how this works, any hour of the day. It don't matter if you're asleep, drunk, high, or fuckin. We got work, we got work" he tells me, shoving my shoulder for not having my phone where I could hear it and I groan. Goddamn it, but I'm so comfortable!! "Come on Outlaw, we gotta get going!! Coma by pussy ain't a thing". I growl before slipping my arms out from around Shelbs and turn, keeping myself covered with the blanket to ask him to hand me my underwear unless he wanted to see more of me than he'd like. He quickly pick them up with his thumb and pointer finger and threw them at me, not wanting to touch them any longer before walking out of the room, calling out to me to hurry. I slip on the boxer briefs and my jeans along with my belt, socks and boots before doing the dredded task of having to wake up Shelby to get my shirt. I softly sit down on the side of the bed and shake her a little, whispering "Hey sweetheart, wake up". Her eye's flutter open and I smile as she groans and buries her face deeper into the pillow. "Baby doll I need my shirt back" I tell her and she lifts her head to look back up at me with a sad face. "Where are you going?" she asks sadly, turning on her side to look at me easier and I sigh and tell her "I've got work to do". She nods understandingly and sits up, peeling the loose black material off before handing it to me and lays back down completely naked making me chuckle. "Goodnight darlin" I say, kissing her cheek as I stand up and slip my shirt over my head, pulling it down my heavily inked torso before walking out. Coon passes me my jacket and sunglasses before clapping me on the shoulder and saying "first run since you've been back. This should be good". I just chuckle and shake my head, following him out the door and he locks it. Apparently he has a key. We hop on our bikes and head to the clubhouse to pick up our stuff.

We pull up to the clubhouse and go with Coon to see what we've got. Bruise hands me a backpack and I take a look inside, finding small medical bottles of clear liquid and automatically know what we're selling. "We good to go" I ask, putting the backpack in the saddlebag on my bike and Coon just nods, sitting down on his ol Road King before he says "Tail me" and starts it up. I do what he says, hopping on and starting it, following close behind him to get to where we need to go. I'm not exactly sure whether the guys started dealing or if they're still just selling to dealers. When I was here before it was mostly coke, Marajuana especially since there was a huge thing going on with synthetics at that point that was sending a lot of people to the hospital. We were the only ones most people knew had real stuff that wouldn't damn near kill you. Therefore we used to be busy as fuck most the time... I still have no idea how I never got caught.

Pulling up to this place out in the middle of nowhere Coon nods at me to get the backpack and come with him. The place looks like an old barn that wasn't in use anymore but I'm still careful no matter what. This shit could get me locked up for more time than I did in the first place so of course I'm always iffy. We walk in and Coon shakes hands with a tall skinny blonde dude and tells me "Outlaw this is Reed. Long time customer of ours. Reed this is-" the blonde cuts him off by asking "new guy?". I have to fight an eye roll at this kid. He's gotta be at most 24 and just seems sketchy in my opinion. But then again who ain't sketchy in this business. "No, he's actually been with us for a long time just been upstate for a little while" Coon explains and Reed just nods and asks "you got my stuff". Coon takes the backpack from me and hands it to the kid, letting him look in it to make sure it's what he needs before he pulls at a wad of cash out of his pocket and hands it to Coon. I take my usual roll as intimidating body guard that's ready to kick your ass if all of it ain't there and the kid shuffles uncomfortably as Coon counts the money. He grins and shoves the money in his pocket after putting the rubber band back around the stack and shakes Reeds hand again and so do I. "See ya in a few weeks, man" He says to me as I shake his hand and I just nod my head and swing a let back over my bike, starting it and following Coon out. This is seriously gonna take some getting used to again. And my god was that a lot! I heard the market for special K had come up but I didn't know the guys were selling whole bags of at least a hundred viles. Now I'm hoping the amount of how much they're selling of everything else hasn't gone up. If so I got a lot of work to do.

S.Y.L.O. (Brantley Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now