🌼Before Story A\N🌼- Prologue

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Sooo..... I know that the topic of "Melanie Martinez" is an debatable one, but that doesn't mean that everyone has to hate her. I for one still love her. I would not like any hate comments, hate, or any other shit like that. Please and thank you. Its your own fault if you read this while hating her.

ON TO THE STORY!!  🎄(happy holidays, too!)

~opal \ opldragon34

????'s POV :

I laughed in my manic way, my arms crossed around me as they were strapped into the arms of a straitjacket. The wheel chair I was in was fun and the hot guy pushed into one of those rooms. One of the ones where they say that you'll be fine but then once they've knocked you up with drugs you realized that they're cutting your head open to see what's wrong.

"Remember what you promised me now, Opal. No biting people." The dude pushing me asked. I just smiled and nodded, crossing my fingers inside of the long sleeves covering my arms.

"Remember what you promised me Dr." I replied to him. He said that if I could get through two more of these surgeries, he'd take me out to get ice cream. He nodded and sent me a dazzling smile, full of teeth, and I forgot momentarily how one day I was going to kill him like I did the others.

"Come on Opal, its time to go in now." Dr. James pushed me into the room. I started getting scared and started hyperventilating.

"Calm down now!" The nurse yelled, scaring me farther. She held up a huge, scary looking syringe. I started screaming, but she had inserted the needle and I promptly passed out mere seconds later.


"Miss Dragon?" I sat up, now interested in what Dr. James was saying. I nodded, allowing him to continue. "Miss Martinez would like to visit you. Is that okay?" He continued. Ah yes, Miss Martinez. The person who will supposedly be taking me in and being my family. Hell, I've never even met her before.

He said something to the nurse checking my vitals. She left briefly before returning with a very unique person on her heels. I studied her half blond, half raven black hair. I watched with interest as Dr. James left, taking the nurse with him, as Miss Martinez sat down awkwardly in his place.

"Hi." She said, unsurely. I just laughed, causing her to give me a quizzical look.

"You do realized that you are adopting a crazy , right?"


Hi! Hope it didn't suck as bad as I think it did!

Happy holidays, Happy New Years, and Happy birthdays to people who have them in between! 🎇🎉🎆

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