Part 27

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The cops rush to Lauren and she calls her parent.I run out I need to follow that ambulance. The lady allows me in the ambulance. The guy rushed and got the shock thing that revives people. I watch as Johnny's body jumps up and down over and over again.

"Unresponsive." He yells. The doctors try again but I didn't see the tears made my vision blurred out.

"Um ma'am we're going to ask you a couple question." A lady asks me.

"Where was John shot." That's the  just stupidest question

"'Maybe in the room you found his body in." I say sarcastically.

I think she got took a hint because she just left.
We pulled up in the hospital and they rushed him in. I speed walk after them.

"Ma'am you can't come this far."
The nurse says to me

"Wait I'm family."

"But in the ambulance you said you were his girlfriend." Shoot. She gives a smug look and walk in. I push her out of my way and run in.

"Security." I hear the nurse yell.
Okay security can't stop me now. I run into the surgery room and there he is.

"Is he okay." I say they all turn in sh kc of my getting in here.

"Who let you"-

"Is he okay." I interrupt

"The only think keeping him alive is the machine. It's his parents decision to let him go or not." And with that security pulled me back and everything else was a blur.

I'm sorry this is short. And I have been working really hard on a new story. And i was really busy.

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