Part 2

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I put Day and night up there so you can jam and read.
Kenzie's pov
After mark had left Johnny just stared at me with his green eyes then the bell rang. Johnny showed me where English class was apparently we have the same classes.
***end of class***
It was lunch time I sat next to my new friends Lauren and Nadia. Johnny and Hayden passed by and Johnny winked er what looked like a wink at me.
H(Hayden)-hey Lauren
Lauren's face went to her normal skin color too cherry red from blushing.
N-Kenzie do you wanna come to Lauren's sleepover
K-is it tonight
Johnnys pov
I heard that Kenzie is coming over to my house for the sleepover. She is actually really cute and sweet. But i don't like her at all.
J-Hayden do you wanna spend the night at my place
J-Carson you come ok
C-I was going to anyway
***After School***
Kenzie's pov
K-maddie can you tell mom that I'm spending the night at Lauren's
M-who's Lauren
K-my new friend
M-oh ok have fun
K-bye love you
M-love ya more
I walked over to Lauren's house since we go to the same buss-stop it can't be that far. I finally got there and Nadia,Lauren,Carson,Hayden,and Johnny were outside in there bathing suits.
K-was I supposed to bring a bathing suit
P-Don't worry it's okay I have an extra
To my surprise me and Lauren are almost the same size.
We all jumped in the pool. I did a flip though.
C-were did you learn how to do a to flip.
K-I'm just amazing
They all chuckle we swim around until we looked like prunes.
J-Let's go inside we look like old wrinkly ladies
H-I agree
We all get up and go in Johnny's
Johnny's pov
C-let's play truth or dare.
We each wrote 2 truths and two dares on a tiny piece of paper and put the dares in one bowl and truth in another.
N-I go first
Kenzie handed her the dare bowl and she unfolded the paper.
N-Ugh do I have too
She ran outside and said...
Everyone laughed
K-I'll go,truth
I handed her the truth bowl she picked one and said no in disgust.
J-what was it
Hopefully it wasn't the one that said do you like know even though I wouldn't care.
K-do I like Hayden
She stuck her tongue out in disgust
H-wow thanks

She giggles her giggle is so cute.
Kenzie's pov
I see Johnny blushing I'm wondering if he likes. Nadia not like I care.
L-luckily I didn't get that.
We all stare
L- cuz..I..don' him
J-I'll go next,dare
Nadia handed him the jar before I could. He said it aloud
J-jump in the pool with clothes on.
He ran and cannon balled into the pool. We all laughed.
Nadia-how about we play spin the bottle.
K-uh oh
J-aww is little Kenz scared
K-No I'm not Johnny boy
L-aww they have nicknames
J- oh shut up choppy
We all laughed with the exception of Lauren. We got an water bottle and started playing spin the bottle.
Sorry I left at a cliffhanger I will either update later in the night or early tomorrow cuz I have no life. Hope you enjoy 😘

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