Part 5

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I put everything by Johnny orlando there. I Think this my favorite song by him. Anyway...
Text story
J-hey kenzie
K-oh hey johnny boy
J-okay can I come over
K- sure
**end of text**
Like 10 seconds later I hear  a knock on the door
K-that was quick
J-I live next door dumbo
K-I deserved that.
J-okay umm...I know you are new here so I just wanted to warn you that mark is a bad kid?
K-umm and
J-I don't think that you should date him
K-Johnny I get to date whoever I want.
Johnny's pov
Why isn't she acting like the sweet Kenzie I know.
J-he's a player Kenzie, all he does is breaks people up.
K-okay I'll listen to you Johnny boy.
***The Next morning***
Kenzie's pov
Lauren,Nadia,and I sat on the bus as usual. I get to my locker but this girl was there. This girl was there.
K-umm your at my locker.
She turned around she was really pretty she had long nails and curly blonde hair.
A(Avery random name)- so you must be Kenzie
K-umm yep that's me
A-I've heard you have been flirting with Johnny
K-were just very close friends
A-yeah well that's going to change
Johnny's pov
I walk out the locker room I see Kenzie she looks as if she's going to pee herself
A-so lil Kenzie as Johnny says stay away from him.
K-(swallow) I do what I want and you can't tell me what to do no matter who you are.
That's lil Kenzie for you just the right amount of sassy and the right amount of chill.
A-don't try to act all sassy
K-I'm not acting
A-look new girl we are the prettiest girls in the school if you think your all that you would be with us but your with them.
She points to Nadia And Jayden the nerds but they look pretty.
She just burned kenzie
K-I'm actually happy I hangout with them cuz there much prettier then you'll ever be. The whole school oooos and she leaves.
N&J-thanks for standing up for us .
K-no prob
***After 6th period***
Kenzie's pov
I shoved my books in my locker and when I closed it I saw Avery ugh.
A-since you got all the attitude let's see how you fight
I look at her nails and at her face
K-sorry i don't do physical fights
A-not all that now huh. Next thing you know she punched me in the gut. I don't fight people. Before a crowd could form I ran out of school luckily it was the end of the day. I ran home crying I don't know why but I was crying.
M-Mackenzie what's wrong
K- I don't know
M-how do you not know
J-Kenzie are you okay.
K-yeah I'm fine I just wish she would leave me alone
J-well you did roast her on the bright side.
K-yeah I chuckled
He was sitting next to me he got a call.
               AVERY ❤️
J-hey Avery
A-hey babe
Kenzie's pov
Why is there a heart and why is she calling him babe
A-where are you
J-umm at Kenzie's house
A-eeewww she's ugly
J- I gotta go
K-Johnny I think you should leave
Johnny's pov
Kenzie looked like she was in an emotion I've never seen her in jealous and hurt.
K-you heard me leave.
J-okay okay
Kenzie's pov.
After he left I decided to take a walk. I saw Mark I decided to go talk to him since we are cool.
K-were you at school.
M-oh I ditched
I saw a cigarette in his mouth he really was a bad kid.
M-so are you and mark a thing or n
K-never going to happen.
Do you think Kenzie will become a bad kid with mark find out in the next chapter.

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