Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Start from the beginning

"How much time do we have?"

"The nearest surgeon is Dr. Hayes and I know for a fact that he's in London this afternoon. He said he'd be traveling there yesterday, when I briefly chatted with him at the inn. The next doctor I can think of is halfway to London." He said with resignation.

He then began to cry himself hysterically as he took her hand, "Oh my precious daughter, I cannot lose you."

Standing there, I began to panic. "Think, think, fucking think damn it!" I ranted.

Then it hit me, as far as I could see there was one and only one way to save Irene. I had to take her home. But I knew she would expire long before I got her to the wormhole. I then remembered the emergency recall. But that could fail and would certainly ruin the machine.

I had to save Irene, I couldn't let her die.

I rushed to Mr. Ferrer and Irene's side, "Mr. Ferrer. I know it looks hopeless and grave, but there is a way to save her. I have a way."

He looked up at me with a mixture of surprise and hope, "H— how?"

I had no other choice but to tell him and I had to tell him fast. "What I will say to you will sound like the ravings of a madman, but I swear to God that I am speaking the truth. I am not what I appear to be. I am a human being of flesh and bone. I am no agent of hell or angel from heaven. I am a person. But I am a person from another time...

I am from beyond tomorrow. In the years to come, a brilliant man will develop a machine that will allow the user to cross the centuries as one could cross a room. I came here from many years in the future, to right a great wrong...

I assure you, my world or time is much like this one. England still exists, it has a queen, a parliament, with a house of commons and a house of lords...

England is still a respected world power. People still play cricket, here are still churches and people worship God. Do you understand?"

Him being religious, I had to stress that this future still had religion in it.

He looked at me blankly, but nodded after a moment.

"Okay, I was heading back to London, so I could return to my era. Go back through the doorway between our worlds. But I can as a last resort, cause a doorway to be here. I could take Irene with me. There, I can arrange for a very fast transport and get her to a fully equipped hospital in minutes. We have doctors, nurses and surgeons that use the most advanced techniques."

I'm not sure if he really understood me, but at the mention of hospital and doctors he seemed to become a bit more animated. I could tell that he would do nearly anything to save his daughter.

"You can save my daughter and this is no fantasy. I need to know if this tale of the future is not the ravings of a madwoman." He was biting, but I needed to sell him and quickly.

Having an idea, I reached in and grabbed my phone. Looking through my photo album on my phone, I found the picture I was looking for.

Then, I held up my phone. "This is a device from my time. One day, nearly everyone in England will have such a thing. It can do many things, it can send messages like a telegraph, it can take pictures like a camera and many other things. This was invented by man and made in a factory. It is no object of evil, it is device, like a steam engine or a coffee grinder. I can use it to keep a copy of a picture and see it when I want. "

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