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          Over the next few weeks, things were relatively peaceful. Harry and Draco got to know Hermione better, Harry finally got on a broom and found out he could fly surprisingly well, and Severus started teaching Harry to read. There were a lot of tears, a little frustration, but by Halloween night, Harry could read easy words like cat, dog, the, and other simple three and four-letter words. He was also working on writing his name. He did pretty well with the H and the R, he could almost complete the Y but the A was giving him some difficulties.

          The night of the Halloween feast, Draco found Harry in a corner of the library, working on one of his new muggle learn-to-read activity books that Hermione had had her parents send for him. At first, Harry had been embarrassed that Hermione had told her parents but, not only did they send him the nicest letter that was both understanding and encouraging but the books were helping him learn how to write and a little bit how to read, though that was harder when no one was around to correct him when needed.

          “Harry!” Draco yelled, slightly out of breath as he ran to Harry’s table. It was clear he’d been looking for the smaller boy for a while. Harry carefully finished the S he was practicing and put down his quill before looking up at Draco, a questioning look on his face. “I’ve…I’ve been looking f…for you e…everywhere!” Draco exclaimed, trying to catch his breath. 

          “Well, you found me,” Harry said quietly, amusement making his green eyes sparkle like emeralds. Draco smirked and sat across from Harry. 

          “I wanted to know why you aren’t at the feast.” The slight smile on Harry’s face fell and he turned to look out the window, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. He’d cried in front of Draco a lot since meeting him and he didn’t want the blonde to think he was some sort of crybaby.

          “I don’t feel like celebrating,” he muttered, still refusing to look at his friend. For once, Draco stayed quiet, allowing Harry to gather his thoughts. When Harry felt like he wouldn’t break down at any second, he looked back at the other boy. “For years, I thought my parents were killed in a car accident. M…my relatives told me that my father was an un…un…unemployed drunk, who got in an accident. It supposedly killed my m…m…mother and left me with this scar.” He pointed to the familiar lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. “I…I was always told that both my parents had not wanted me and so my f…father killed himself and my mother, to get away from me.” Feeling the beginning of tears, again, Harry turned to look out the window once more.

          “I always refused to mourn for them, because if they didn’t care about me, then why should I care about them?” Draco placed a comforting hand on Harry’s shoulder and Harry smiled at him over his shoulder.

          “I don’t know much about your parents, Harry, but I do know they loved you,” Draco said softly. “They loved you very much.”

          “I know.” Harry sighed and turned to fully face Draco. “This is the first year I have been able to fully grieve and I guess I just didn’t feel like celebrating with everyone else. I’m sorry I worried you, though.” Draco shrugged.

          “It’s alright.” It was silent for a moment. “Do you want to go see if Uncle Severus is still in his rooms? I don’t think he celebrates, either.” Harry nodded and shoved his books into his bag before slinging it on his shoulder and following Draco out of the library and down to the dungeons.


          Severus opened the door on the first knock, having just sat down to the simple dinner the House Elves had just brought him. He raised an eyebrow at seeing his Godson and Harry standing there but wordlessly stepped aside and allowed them to enter.

          “Have you eaten?” he asked the two boys, turning to them after locking the door. Draco looked at Harry and then back at the Professor.

          “No,” he replied, not wanting to explain that he had started to eat before realizing Harry wasn’t at dinner and went looking for him. Severus simply nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back out with two goblets of pumpkin juice and some sandwiches. He handed the items to Harry and Draco, who sat on a couch and quietly began eating. Severus summoned his own dinner and sat in an armchair facing the boys.

          As they ate, he realized how quiet Harry was being. Suddenly, he realized he wasn’t the only one still mourning Lily (and Harry was probably mourning his father as well) and that was probably why Harry wasn’t in the Great Hall. When they were done eating, Severus banished their empty dishes and stood up. He took a photo album off the top shelf of his bookcase and silently handed it to Harry. The boy opened the cover and his eyes widened as he quickly looked up at Severus. 

          “S…sir?” he whispered. Severus smiled slightly.

          “Your mother was my best friend,” he explained. He decided now was not the time to explain about fifth year or his part in her death. Harry would probably never forgive him and he didn’t know if he could handle her son hating him. Not now, not after everything. “She gave that to me in fourth year for Christmas. I’m sorry but I don’t have any pictures of Po…your father.” Harry only nodded and turned back to the book, running his fingers over the pictures as tears filled his eyes. 

          “Draco, can I talk to you?” The blonde nodded and followed him into the kitchen. “Is he okay?” Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

          “I don’t know,” he admitted quietly. “He wasn’t at dinner so I went looking for him and found him in the library.” He quickly explained what Harry had told him. “He's never mourned his parents so I think it's almost like he just lost them.” Severus nodded.

          “Has he said anything to you about me adopting him?” Draco looked at him for a long moment. 

          “No,” he finally replied. “Harry doesn’t open up unless you catch him off guard. I have no idea what he thinks about it.” The two talked for a few more minutes and then went back into the sitting room. Harry was still looking at the pictures. 

          “It's almost curfew,” Severus told them. Harry looked up and nodded before standing up and handing the book to Severus. “You keep it for now.” Harry's eyes opened wide and he brought the book to his chest.

          “Thank you,” he whispered. He started to follow Draco out before suddenly turning and running back to Severus and giving him a tight hug. Severus was shocked for a moment before hugging Harry back. Harry smiled brightly and followed Draco out the door and back to the dorms.



          “Help…me…” Harry looked around and saw four different halls. They all looked exactly the same so he paused, trying to concentrate on the voice. “Help…me…”

          Harry started down one of the hallways and as he went, the voice got closer. “Help…me. Please…help…” Harry started running at the desperation he heard in the voice. Suddenly, he saw someone at the end of the hall, reaching for him. Harry began running faster but the closer he got, the further the man seemed. Suddenly, they locked eyes and Harry saw them flash red before a blinding white light surrounded him. 
          “Help…me…you're the only…one who…can…”

End Dream

          Harry woke with a start, his heart pounding, covered in sweat. For the first time in years, his scar started burning and the only thing Harry could think as he tried to go back to sleep was:

Why did the man seem so familiar?

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