The Package

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          Harry tried really hard but by dinner time, he was a mess. Not only was he unable to get the spells right in Transfiguration or Charms, because of his stuttering and clumsy motions, but when he was asked to read a passage by Professor McGonagall, he'd froze. He just sat there, staring at the book he was sharing with Draco, shaking. Draco had assumed that he'd gotten nervous from all the attention that was on him and how could he tell his new friend the truth? He didn't want Draco to think he was stupid because he couldn't read but when the same thing happened in Charms, he realized he'd have to tell the blonde Slytherin.

          He sat at the table, picking at his food and trying to formulate what he'd say in his head. He'd just taken a deep breath and looked up, ready to ask Draco if he could talk to him privately, when there was a noise from overhead.

          Looking up, he saw a beautiful white owl soaring across the tables. He blinked when the owl landed in front of him gracefully and held out a leg, with a letter attached. Shakily, he took the letter and untied it. He slowly opened it and stared, not even noticing that the owl hadn't moved.

          "What does it say, Harry?" Draco asked, having stopped eating when the owl had landed. Harry took a few calming breaths. Well, here goes nothing. He looked up and met Draco's eyes.

          "I...I don't k...know," he whispered. Draco's forehead scrunched in confusion.

          "What do you mean you don't know? Is it in a different language?" Harry nervously looked at the other students, some who were openly staring at him, and then back at Draco. The other boy seemed to understand and stood, guiding Harry out of the Great Hall. The owl flew to Harry's shoulder and stayed there. 

          The walk to the dorms was silent, each boy deep in thought. Harry was thinking about what to tell the boy and hoped that Draco wouldn't decide Harry was a freak after all. Draco was worried about Harry, especially after the hard day he'd had, and wished he knew how to help him. Before they knew it, they were at the entrance to the common room. Draco said the password and they entered, heading over to the armchair that Harry had unconsciously claimed as his. Harry curled up, looking warily up at Draco, who stood before him.

          "Is everything okay, Harry?" Draco's quiet question and concern gave Harry strength, so he took a breath to calm his pounding heart and spoke.

          "I...I can't," Harry said so quietly, Draco wasn't quite sure he heard correctly. It was silent for a few minutes as Draco tried to process what Harry had just told him. As the silence stretched on, Harry wished Draco would say something, anything, so he could go find somewhere private and have a good cry. It seemed like he was doing that lately, but everything was so overwhelming and he couldn't help it. He was just about to get up, anyways, when Draco's voice broke the silence.

          "Would you like me to read the letter?" Green eyes blinked up at him in shock. Draco gave a small smile. "When you're ready to talk, I'm here." Then he took the letter out of Harry's limp fingers and pretended to put glasses on the tip of his nose, causing Harry to giggle. The blonde winked and held the letter away from his face, cleared his throat, and used his best McGonagall voice. Harry started laughing and Draco had to reread the first line three times before Harry finally calmed down.


          How is Hogwarts going so far? I hope you were sorted into the same house as my son as you guys have what could become a beautiful friendship. I have sent some things for you with a house elf, so they should already be in your room and if there is anything else you should need, please don't hesitate to owl me.

Lucius Malfoy

P.S. The owl is yours. I know you will take great care of her. Her name is Hedwig.

          By the end of the letter, Harry was just staring at Draco, not quite trusting hinself to speak. Then he slowly reached up to his shoulder, where the owl was still perched, and slowly stroked her feathers.

          "Hedwig," he whispered. The two boys looked at each other, grinned, and ran upstairs, causing Hedwig to leap in the air with a squawk as Harry's body jerked.  

          Sitting on the floor, by the foot of Harry's bed, was a brand new trunk. It was silver, with dark green around the edges. His name was engraved on the lid in gold. Walking forward, Harry slowly ran his fingers over the letters. It still surprised him that he had a name, an actual name. Not Freak. Not Boy. But Harry.

          Looking back, he realized that Hagrid must have called him Harry at some point, but he'd been so overwhelmed by this new world he was suddenly thrust into, and the fact that he was apparently famous, that everything else about that day in Diagon Alley was a blur. He wasn't even sure how he got on the platform. One moment, he was leaning against the wall between two platforms, desperately searching for anyone that could help him get to Platform 9 3/4 (the platform Hagrid had told him to go to), and the next he was on the other side of the wall, reporters surrounding him.

          Shaking himself out of his dark thoughts, Harry opened the trunk and his eyes widened. There were three uniforms, two black robes, five pairs of jeans, ten shirts in various colors, and two pairs of shoes. Attached to one of the shirts was a note.


          I wasn't sure what size you are so I had a resizing charm added to your clothes. As soon as you put them on, they should resize to fit you. Your Head of House or a prefect can add the House logo to your robes.


          Draco took the two robes downstairs to Gemma, while Harry started putting his clothes away in the wardrobe that was provided to them. He was just finishing when Draco returned, the robes now sporting the Slythern Logo, and put those in the wardrobe as well.

          "There's more," Draco said from behind him. Harry turned and walked back over, peering in the trunk again. At the bottom were all the textbooks, quills, parchment, and ink bottles he would need for the year. There was even a bag, which Draco said was a bottomless bag, so he could carry all his supplies and not worry how heavy the bag was.

          Harry carefully packed the bag with everything he would need the next day and put everything else in the side table. He looked over at Draco, who had sat down on the edge of his bed next to Harry's. 

          "Your father is really nice, Draco," he said, causing Draco to shrug.

          "He wouldn't do all this for just anyone. You must be really special." He have a lopsided grin and Harry grinned back. They both sobered after a few minutes. 

          "Can you write your father?" Harry asked quietly. Draco opened his mouth, about to suggest Harry write the man himself, but his mouth closed with an audible snap. Instead, he simply nodded. They fell silent again.

          "Want to go see if Blaise and Pansy are back yet?" Harry nodded and the two headed downstairs. Draco stopped at the notice board, to read something, and then turned back to Harry. 

          "Both of our appointments are at 9 tomorrow morning."

          "Appointments?" Harry asked, looking confused.

          "Yeah, don't you remember?" Harry shook his head. " mean, Professor Snape said we all have appointments for a checkup with the nurse in the Hospital Wing." Harry felt the blood leave his face. This wasn't good. Not good at all.

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