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          Lucius looked up at the bright sun glaring down on him and then at the gates he was standing in front of. Steeling himself for the upcoming conversation, Lucius headed up the path towards Hogwarts, hoping he wouldn't run into anybody. A half hour later, he breathed a sigh of relief at having run into no one, especially Albus Dumbledore. He gave two loud knocks on Severus Snape's office door and waited, both hands resting on the tip of his cane. A moment later, the door was opened by the Potions Master.

          "Lucius?" Severus raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you just see Draco off?" Lucius gave a slight nod.

          "I did," Lucius confirmed. Severus looked at him for a moment before opening the door wider and stepping to the side, allowing his friend to enter. Lucius strode into the classroom and turned back to Severus, who shut the door. He then walked to his desk and sat down, gesturing for Lucius to sit in the chair across from him. After they were both sitting, Severus reached into his desk and pulled out a bottle of Fire Whiskey and two glasses. When they were both holding a glass, Severus leaned back and looked at Lucius.

          "Draco and I met Harry Potter this morning." The blonde instantly regretted being so blunt when he saw Severus's eyes darken and his lips twist into a sneer.

          "Really?" the Professor drawled but didn't say anything else. Lucius sighed.

          "You should give him a chance, Sev," he said quietly. "He might surprise you." Severus scoffed and Lucius knew that nothing he said would change his opinion on the boy, so he drained his glass and stood up. At the door, he turned back.

          "Please remember he is not his father." With those words, he left and Severus sat alone with his thoughts.


          The train whistle blew, signaling they were fifteen minutes away from Hogsmeade Station. Draco gently shook Harry's shoulder, as the boy had fallen asleep again, and quietly explained that they were almost there. While Harry was sleeping, Draco had taken an extra set of robes out of his trunk, which he now held out to Harry.

          "They might be a little big but it's better than nothing." Harry stared at him in shock.

          "T...thank you, Draco." Draco shrugged, a little embarrassed, and turned so Harry could change. Blaise and Pansy did the same. "Okay, I'm f...finished." Draco turned and was surprised to see just how big his robes were on Harry. The whistle blew again and the train came to a complete stop. The small group of four left the compartment but as soon as Harry saw the crowd corridor, his eyes went wide and his breathing got heavy. Someone bumped into him as they passed, causing Harry to scream and run back into the compartment. Draco followed to see Harry under a bench, curled into a small ball, and whimpering. Draco felt his heart clench at the sight and he looked at the other two.

          "I don't know what to do." His friends looked unsure themselves. The whistle blew for the third time and Draco knew if they didn't move fast, they'd be headed back to London. He motioned for his friends to get off the train, indicating he'd be their momentarily. They still looked unsure even as they followed his nonverbal commands. Draco took a deep breath and turned back to his new friend.

          "Harry?" He slowly approached. The boy looked up, green meeting silver. "Harry, the train is empty. There's no one on here but us. It's safe." Harry blinked and slowly uncurled, though he remained under the bench.

          "Safe?" Draco nodded with a small smile and Harry climbed out from his hiding place and stood up, taking the hand Draco was holding out. Draco lead him to the doors and they got off the train just as it started moving. A giant of a man was calling for first years, so they followed and were instructed to get in a boat. Draco and Blaise gave Pansy a sympathetic loom when they realized only three to a boat, but she just shrugged and got into a boat with two other girls.

          Harry stared in awe as the castle got closer and closer. On the other side of the lake, they all scrambled to get out of the boats, and the huge man, who'd introduced himself as Hagrid, led them up the hill to the school. A stern looking woman met them just inside the doors.

          "Thank you, Hagrid." He nodded and disappeared inside a room, and she turned to the nervous looking first years. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

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