A Search For Answers

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Faith had lost all courage and wouldn't step out of bed. She said she would die just like Peace. Hope and Love both seamed too put out to argue today and Peace.... Well, never mind Peace. I was doing terribly. They haunted me: the words that Peace had spoken.
Not only had peace spoken, a thing so impossible it bordered a miracle, what she said made no sence.
"Angels keep me safe." I whispered,"Angels keep me safe." What did it mean? I only knew one other place that made me curious and baffled like this. I wheeled the hall to look into the one place I had not dared to even open the door to. I had my blanket with me; it was on my lap and it trailed back over me armrest of my wheelchair where it drooped dangerously close to the spokes of the wheel and then trailed back behind me.
I should probably tell you a little bit about this blanket; it was the same one I had used to calm Faith in this very room ten years ago. It is a little patchwork blanket made from odds and ends of fabric. None of them are square but they are in little triangles and rectangles and they all fit together like an odd little jigsaw puzzle. I like to find a little piece of fabric near the corner on one side. It's a white fabric once glossy, but years of use and washing had taken away the sheen. It matched my leggings.
I held onto that little piece of fabric as I entered the room.
"Angels keep me safe." I repeated aloud.
"Angels keep me safe."
Then I saw the shadow. It moved, starting in the corner, and gliding across the walls.
"Angels keep me safe." I said a little louder.
The shadow rushed at me,
"Angels-" I was cut off by the sound of the door opening. The shadow was gone.
"Wing." I turned around to see Mrs. Klemensie at the door
"Come out."
Then I came out of the room I had hoped to find answers in,
"What was that? How did Peace speak to me? Mrs. Klemensie?"
"Not yet, Wing. Not yet."she carefully closed the door and locked it with the key.
I went back to the room love and hope we're sitting in the corner they were mad at each other- they always were, but they knew today was not a day for fighting. Though they were only eight years old; you would find you grow up a little quicker in circumstances like these.
"Faith." I said,"Come on Faith get out of bed."
She shook her head.
"Faith, you can't stay in there forever. You have to get out..." I trailed off I saw Mrs. Klemensie. She nodded. I started breathing heavily. I knew what I had to do: where I had to go- I was just terrified to do it-terrified to go there. Mrs. Klemensie came and knelt down in front of me,
"It's time. You always knew this day was coming."
"It's time for me," I took a deep breath," it's time for me," I still could not finish it. Faith was peeking out of her blankets at me, the twins stopped glaring to pay attention.
"It's time. For me." I said haltingly,"to go outside."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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