Chapter Fifteen

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Life was beautiful.
My wife was beautiful.
My daughter was beautiful.
Our whole fanily was beautiful.
But some people weren't beautiful.

Life was beautiful:
*Kehlani was born April 24, 1994 in Oakland, California.

My wife was beautiful:
*Kehlani got married May 26, 2017 to the gorgeous Robyn Rihanna Fenty.

My daughter was beautiful:
*Kehlani gave birth to a healthy babygirl Morgan Fenty girl on March 15, 2017.

Our whole family was beautiful:
*Kehlani, Morgan and Robyn; the worlds power couple since Beyonce and JayZ.

But some people weren't beautiful:
*3 months after giving birth, Kehlani got kidnapped and lost her memories.


Kehlani sat trembling on the bed of her kidnappers house. Her knees we're hugged tightly against her chest and she mumbled a tiny prayer. Hoping that the police was fast with their work and could find her and take her back home. But she knew things like that onky existed in the white version of her life.

The sound of locks unlocking alerted Kehlani. She panicked and began pulling on the chains trying to free herself. Unfounded for her, they were new and hurt to pull on. Kehlani's palms bleed because of it.

Her kidnapper emerged inside the room. He dressed in the typical gangsta look. Pants sagging with a pair of Jordan's on. Oversized shirt with a Jordan logo on it. His wrist held a gold watch. He was ugly.

Kehlani stopped her movements when she heard him chuckle darkly. He scratched at his beard and pulled up a chair, sitting backwards in it. Kehlani sat still.

"Why do you do this?" Kehlani asked. "I've done nothing to you."

He shook his head. "You've done everything to me. I-I loved her. She's not gay!" He shouted making Kehlani jump and tremble in place. Slow tears falling down her cheeks.

"You can love who you love." Kehlani said. "Being gay is a sin, but dying unhappy is a sin also."

"I'd rather for her to die unhappy then be gay."

"She won't be happy with you. Y-you..murderer!" Kehlani spat.


Kehlani sat trembling at the memory that just swarmed her head. Robyn had brought her up to the room for privacy. She worried.


Kehlani got up from her previous spot on the couch and maneuvered her way to the kitchen for something to drink. She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orang juice when she felt her baby kick and then a sharp pain shot through her.

She groaned in agony and clutched the bottom of her stomach. Her friends, Micah and Edward, who were in the living room, heard the sudden clash of a glass on the floor and Kehlani scream and jumped up. They rushed over to Kehlani's side, Edward catching her before she fell to the ground as her grey sweats drenched in pregnancy water.

"The baby's coming!!" She screamed. Micah grabbed the car keys while Edward carried her to the truck and they set off to go deliver a baby.


Kehlani groaned at the memory of her first giving birth to the 6 pound baby and holding her for the first time while she and Robyn cried.


Kehlani slid her body into the booth of the restaurant and adjusted so she could get comfortable. Robyn soon joined her with a smile on her face. The waiter had come by and asked them of their meals and drinks.

Kehlani felt a little self conscious about eating since she was noticeable at 6 months. She silently ate on the breadsticks the waiter placed in the middle of the table while Robyn told her about her day and what was to happen next in the few months so they wanted to be prepared.

Then it happened. Kehlani looked closely at her glass of champagne and noticed something inside of there. She looked up at Robyn who was looking down.

"Robyn..." She breathe as tears filled her eyes. It was an engagement ring.

After 2 years of being together, Kehlani always thought that Robyn was never going to marry her, even pregnant. But now she's going to.

Rihanna pushed out her chair and got on one knee. She held Kehlani's hand and reached into the glass taking out the ring. Without saying a word, she looked into Kehlani's eyes and smiled.


Kehlani smiled at the thought and tears fell down her cheeks. She clutched her ring on her finger and sighed.


Kehlani ran backstage and down the hallway towards her dressing room. She had just got done performing her song in front of the LA crowd. She plopped down on the couch and took deep breaths.

A towel was thrown her way and Kehlani used it to wipe at her chest. She threw the towel down. "Yani gimme a water!" She shouted. Seconds later, a water was thrown her way.

Kehlani opened it and took a few gulps. She had gotten up to go out towards the backstage and grab a few to eat when she bumped into a body.

"Yo! Watch where da' fuck ya' goin'!" And unknown accent voice shouted. Kehlani spun around and could have sworn her breathe was stolen from her when she witnessed the most beautiful girl she's ever seen.

The women seemed to stop to and gaze over the mixed beauty herself.


Kehlani released her mind and fell back onto the bed. Her head throbbed and she began fo develope a slight migraine. Robyn laid next to her.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

Kehlani turned her head to look at Robyn's face. A familiar position that they used to be in during the smoking, famous in love days. Kehlani smiled weakly and nodded 'yes'.

"I feel better than ever."

Remember Me ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz