Chapter 4: Lamarckii

Start from the beginning

The number hit zero, and, instead of going anywhere upwards, remained at zero, despite the drumroll that would insinuate otherwise.

"...Zero villain points!" All Might shouted after an awkwardly dramatic pause.

It was as Izuku feared. He h-

"That's not all, however!"


"I was a television show host in a past life; if I may direct your attention to this screen?!" All Might took out a remote and pressed a button, converting the gigantic zero into a shot of the cute girl he had saved and who he immediately knew to be Present Mic.

"Um... Present Mic?" The girl was saying.

"Hah? Yeah, female listener?"

"Um... During the exam, I-I'm sure you saw, but I was saved by this boy with really curly hair and freckles, kinda plain looking, but, well, he saved me from certain death, but he was talking about how he needed a single point, and I-I think he meant that he doesn't have any points?" If Izuku muttered, the girl could definitely ramble on. He felt a connection to her. "So, anyways, my point is, I just... I want to give him half of my points!"

Izuku blinked.

"Oh?" Present Mic said, "What if that means neither of you two get in?"

The girl faltered. "...Th-then give him all my points! It's better a boy who selflessly leaps to other peoples' defense than a girl who gets sick every time she uses her Quirk!"

Izuku blinked again, and this time, he found that he had teared up sometime during the exchange. A girl he had barely talked to, a really pretty girl, had done this? For him?

"Worry not, female listener!" Present Mic said, "You'll still be getting in! But we're not going to give the young man the points."

"What?! But-"

"Don't fret it! Things'll work out! Promise!" The screen paused.

"Young Midoriya," All Might said, "What you did for that young lady, that selflessness your actions inspired in her, was absolutely stunning. We almost never see it in these exams (I think)." He pressed another button, and the board lit up again, showcasing a list of names and two columns with numbers in them. "The physical examination was not simply graded on the amount of villains defeated; indeed, there was a second portion to this examination! Rescue points! And Young Midoriya, for your selfless acts, inspiring visage, and overall coolness factor, our panel of judges have decided to award to you..."

"Seventy rescue points! Though you still do not have any villain points, you are catapulted by the rescue points to overall seventh place!"

Izuku's jaw dropped. Did that mean...

"Young Midoriya, you still have a lot to learn. That is why I am here. Come."

Izuku's eyes welled up.


The tears flowed.

"Is your hero academia."

Izuku began to openly cry.

He had done it.

"You have your books, right? Pens? Ruler? Key? All that?"

"Yes, mom, I have it."

"You remembered your tissue? Sickness mask? Underwear?"


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