No.103 - @Lavender_Brown

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@Lavender_Brown - Pretty lights!!

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@Lavender_Brown - Pretty lights!!

Tagged: @WeasleyYourKing

69K Likes | 3 comments

@WeasleyYourKing : My girl is an incredible beauty!
@Xx_ChoTheGirlWhoIsBrave_xX - Sweet and spicy!! ;)
@Lavender_Brown : Of course! ;)


Hi everyone!!

For the posts on the dresses the girls are wearing to the Christmas party, I'm just going to leave them at whatever word count they were on originally as I sometimes can't make 100 words, plus, I don't want to delete some of them, as some of the girls would me left out! If Ican get them to 100 words I will! 😉

Hope that is ok!

- @theEEKstoryteller

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