The invitation

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It had been a month since Patrick had taken me on the date he insisted we go on. I decided to go through with it, although I did think about calling him and saying I was sick In the end though I thought against that and actually had a good time.

He was a complete gentleman the entire time, even pulled out my chair for me. Once we had finished our meals we just sat there and talked while drinking wine. We talked about life, love, and what I think we both enjoyed talking about most which was work.

We even stumbled upon the topic of marriage and if we wanted to get married or have kids. He wanted to start a family he told me, have a little mini-him running around. I told him I wasn't sure that I wanted a family and I wasn't completely certain I did. Love? Sure. Kids? Not so sure about that. He said that there was absolutely nothing wrong with that. I finished by telling him to tell my ex-boyfriend that, who thought I was just confused. To say the least, we didn't last.

All in all, it was a great night, one of the best I've had in a very long time. I knew we couldn't do it again though, for fear of getting attached to him. I was walking on dangerous grounds and there would be no one but myself to blame when it all blew up in my face.

I was curled up in my blanket when my cell phone had rung. I looked at it sitting on my dresser from where I was laying and then looked back at my bed.

"But I'm so comfy," I said to myself. The phone kept ringing and I decided it was best to get up and grab it.

It said it was a private number and of course I didn't question that "Katherine speaking," I said as I rolled myself back into my blanket.

"Hey, it's Merideth," I heard and mentally beat myself up for answering the phone.

"Merideth, hello," I said while attempting to get myself out of the blanket situation I had wrapped myself into.

"I hope you don't mind Patrick gave me your cell," She said and I was wondering when I had given Patrick my cell number. I knew Maybe it was after a glass of wine or three.

"Yeah, not a problem. What can I do for you?" I asked confused as to why she was even calling me. Nice girl, but it didn't make much sense.

"So, I am having my engagement party and I'd love it if you could come, I, of course, had to call personally and invite my possible future sister in law," She said putting emphasizing the last part. Wait sister in law? and being invited by her personally was rather surprising. "It seems that you and Patrick are becoming a thing and I felt it was only right to call you myself," She said and I wasn't sure what to say for a moment.

She was being so sweet and I had sex with her fiance while she was right downstairs. This just made me feel even worse about what I had done.

"Aren't you guys getting married really soon? I thought you had the engagement party a little closer to the proposal," I said raising an eyebrow.

"We did have one for close friends and family. This one is the other engagement party for people we aren't as close to, James wants it to be a big event," She said excitedly and I couldn't help but tilt my head to the side while staring at my grey wall. "Of course" I replied, pretending to understand.

"So, it's settled then, you'll be attending. I know Patrick will be really happy to see you and I'll send you the details," She said and I was going to tell her I was too busy or come up with another excuse but she hung up before I could even respond.

I took my phone away from my ear and stared at it. I was baffled by what had just happened.

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