The New Found Feelings

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After we finished he just laid his head in the crook of my neck. We were both breathing hard and I for one was thinking about what I'd just done. The sweet smell of his cologne and the scotch had enveloped around us and we had stayed like that for maybe another three minutes.

We finally separated once I dropped my feet to the ground, my heels clicking on the marble bathroom floor. I fixed the bottom of my dress and I felt Jame's grab a piece of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. "We should go back out there," I said grabbing my clutch off of the counter and opening it to retrieve my lipstick.

"So, you're just gonna ignore what just happened?" He asked pulling his pants up and fixing his belt. I applied my lipstick and fixed it with my finger.

"I'll go first and you can come out a few minutes later," I said turning to look at him. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, sliding his hands into his pockets.

I opened the bathroom door and looked both ways. When I was sure that there was no one to be found I exited the bathroom and began walking back downstairs. I made it all the way back down the stairs and saw Patrick walking by. "Katherine, I've been looking everywhere for you," He said coming towards me.

"I was looking for the bathroom, got curious, and then slightly lost," I lied laughing and tilting my head to the side to make myself seem a bit ditzier than I was.

"Oh, well my parents are dying to meet you," He said and dragged me along before I had a chance to tell him I was going to leave.

"Yo-your parents?" I stuttered confused as to why his parents would want to meet me. We kept walking until we reached a couple that was holding each other closely. They looked very in love I had thought.

"Katherine, this is my mother Jill and my father Edwardo," Patrick said motioning towards his parents who smiled at me. I had already seen his father from a distance but I had never seen his mother. She had on the most beautiful necklace I thought while staring at it.

"It's lovely to meet you both," I said smiling staring at the necklace still. Jill put her well-manicured fingers on it and looked at me smiling "A gift from Edwardo for our thirtieth wedding anniversary," She said looking at her husband.

"It's beautiful," I said smiling. I wasn't really even one for jewelry, but there was something about the simplicity of the white diamonds circling her neck. Each looked like they had their own story to tell.

"It was handed down to me by my mother who recently passed away, God rest her soul," He said sadly. I looked up at him and was going to say I was sorry for his loss when James had come and interrupted the conversation.

"Katherine, I see you've met our parents," He said taking a sip of some champagne. I felt like my throat was dry and I wanted to just get out of here.

Before I could escape like I wanted Edwardo began asking me questions. What I did, what I wanted to do etc. It seemed a bit intense for having just been offically introduced to the man.

"Yes, I really must be going now though," I said looking at Patrick. I needed to get out of this situation. James was glaring at me and it made it very hard to focus.

"Thank you for a beautiful night," I said looking at Jill and Edwardo. They both smiled at me.

I walked past all of them and started heading towards and foyer. My heart was racing and I felt nauseous.

"Katherine," I heard from behind me. "Please wait," I kept walking ignoring the pleas. I was out the door when his hand grabbed mine.

"I hope you aren't running away again because of me," He said and I turned around to look at James.

The truth was I was running away because of him. It wasn't like he'd done anything wrong or anything that I hadn't wanted. I was just having a hard time coming to terms with the new found feelings that were suddenly exploding inside of me.

"No, I'm just tired," I said turning to look at James. He let go of my hand and rubbed his hands together bringing them to his face to blow hot air from his mouth into them. "You should probably get back to Merideth," I added sadly. No point in trying to hide my disappointment now.

"Katherine," I heard Patrick say from inside the house. "Let me walk you out to your car," He walked into my view and I waved a goodbye to James.

Angela was gonna want all the details tonight.

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