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                      CHAPTER 2
Alex and Emma are decorating the house for the party while Anabeth is making snacks for the guests.
' Emma, Are you done putting up all the balloons?'
'Yeah. we just need to set up the snacks on the snack table.'
'Check if Anabeth is done with the snacks.'
Anabeth walks in.
'I just finished.'
'Great, now you go upstairs cause I don't want you around here when the guests arrive.' Alex instructs
'I'll be in my room if you need me.'
Some guests have already arrived at the party. Alex is waiting by the door for Jason. He finally arrives after some time.
'Hey, what kept you so long? I've been waiting for you'.
'so sorry, mum held me up at home. she didn't want me at the party cause you hosted it.'
'Oh.' Alex's face turns gloomy.
'It's okay, Alex. It's only a matter of time before she starts accepting you.'
'Yeah, I guess you're right, besides that doesn't really matter now, let's just have fun and spend quality time together, while we can.' She says giggling
'Come in and relax. I'll go get you some punch.'
Jason walks towards a sit. On his way, Emma bumps into him. She helps him pick up his stuff that fell on the floor.
'I'm sorry, Jason. It was an accident.'
'It's okay. Hope you're not hurt tho?' He says reaching out for her.
'No, I'm fine, thanks. Hope you're having a good time?'
'Yeah, I just arrived tho but the party seems great. Your friend is such a great party planner.'
'I know right? She always does a great job'
'And that's why I love her'
They both laugh. Alex returns with two glasses of punch.
'And here she comes. I should excuse you two. Have fun'
'Alright then'
Emma leaves Alex and Jason and walks away.
'Here you go.' Alex says, handing Jason a glass of punch.
She notices a wrapped present box with Jason.
'Hey, who is that for?'
'I got it for your dad. I heard he was sick.'
'oh, how sweet of you. Come on. You can give it to him yourself.'
'No way. I think you should do it. We both know he doesn't really like me.'
'Well, he will, when he sees the amazing present you got him.'
'I don't know Alex, I'm a bit nervous besides, I'm not so sure thus is a great idea tho.'
'Trust me, Jason. My dad will be really happy to see you besides, I'm here. There's really nothing for you to be worried about. Okay?'
Alex takes Jason to her dad's room. She knocks on the door.
'Come in'
The two enter the room quietly.
'Dad, how are you doing?' She asks
Alex's Dad can't take his eyes off Jason. He stares at him coldly.
'Who do we have here. Jason right?'
'Yes sir, it's a pleasure meeting you.'
Jason extends his hand for a handshake but Alex's dad doesn't reply.
'That makes one of us'
Jason looks at Alex.
'Come on Dad, be nice. Jason even got you a present. Jason, give him the present.'
'Yes, I heard you were sick so, I got you this.'
'Well I sure hope it's not a bomb.'
'Alright, drop it over here.'
'Dad, have you taken your medication?'
'No, your mom was supposed to get it but she probably forgot.'
'I'll go get it. Jason, wait over here with dad. I'll be right back.'
Alex goes to the kitchen to get her dad's drugs. She sees Anabeth preparing tea.
'What are you doing here? You should be in your room.'
'Sorry, I just came to prepare some tea for your dad.'
' Why? Did he ask for tea?'
'Well, he always takes his evening tea around this time.'
'Fine then, give it to me. I'll go give him his tea.'
'Here. I put his tablets on the tray.' She hands over a tray to Alex.
' Please make sure he takes them.'
Alex leaves the kitchen and returns to her dad's room.
'Here you go dad.'
'Thanks.' Edward sips his tea for a while.
'Where is your mom? She usually comes to massage my feet by this time.'
'Don't worry dad. I'm here, I'll do it. Let me go get the ointment'.
Alex leaves the room to get the ointment. When she returns, Jason comes out of the room and shuts the door.
'Jason, where are you going? Aren't you going to wait for me? I still have to massage my dad's feet.'
'No, he said he doesn't want it anymore. He just wants to rest in peace.'
'Are you sure? Maybe, I should just go check on him, one last time.'
'I'm sure,  He just told me right now, to leave him alone so he can relax.'
'Don't you think we should ask him to join us at the party? He might feel lonely in there.'
'Don't worry, he's in a better place now. Let's leave him to rest in peace.'
'Alright then, let's go and party.'
While Jason and Alex are busy having fun. Anabeth goes into Edward room to check if he has taken his medicine. She stares at him. His eyes are open but he's not moving. She goes closer to him and touches him but there's no response.
'Edward? Edward! what's wrong with you. Edward, answer me. Edward! Edward!' She screams with fear and tears swelling up in her eyes.
Over at the party, Alex starts hearing noise from upstairs.
'What's the noise about?'
'It sounds like Anabeth.' Alex says
'I'll go check'
'Alex wait, I'm coming with you.' Jason says
'Emma, stay here with the guests. Jason and I will be back soon.'
Alex and Jason go upstairs to see where the noise is coming from. They go to Edward's room. Anabeth is sitting beside Edward and crying.
'Dad? Dad! What happened to him? What did you do to him? Dad, wake up! Dad! Anabeth, You better tell me what you did to my dad or I'll kill you.
She takes hold of Anabeth's shirt collar. Jason tries to calm her down.

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