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                      CHAPTER 1
Alex is getting ready for school. She is standing in front  of  a mirror and admiring her pretty white face, deep blue eyes and sparkling red lips. She braids her dirty blonde hair into two. She picks up her backpack and heads downstairs. Her step-mom, Anabeth is busy setting the table for breakfast. She notices Alex coming down from the stairs.
' Good Morning Alex'
'Morning' Alex replies coldly.
'aren't you going to have breakfast?'
'Where's dad?' Alex replies ignoring her question.
'He's upstairs in his room, but...'
Before Anabeth could finish her sentence, Alex goes back upstairs. Alex knocks on the door.
'Come in'
She enters the room. Alex's dad is lying on his bed and covered up in a duvet.
'Morning dad. How are you?'
She walks over to him and sits by his bedside.
'I'm doing great honey. Your mom is taking good care of me. You know people like her could run doctors out of business.' He laughs.
'So dad, have you taken your medication? You know, the doctor said you shouldn't skip it for even a day or it could get worse.'
'Alex, I'm fine. I haven't even had breakfast yet, I'll take it as soon as I've  had my breakfast.'
'Sure I'll....'
Her phone rings.
'Hold on dad.'
'Hey Lexi.'
'Yeah! It's me.'
'I thought you were having so much fun in London that you forgot about me'
'Oh come on Alex. I can't forget about you.'
'But you haven't called me in weeks! In fact I don't want to talk to you anymore.'
'You will, when you hear the good news.'
'What good news??'
'I'm back'
'What? Jason, quit joking'
'I'm serious.'
'You're really back?' She screams in excitement.
'Yeah, I came back last night and I was going to come and see you since your house is just a block away but you know how my mom can be.'
'It's alright, at least you're back .'
'and it's for good this time. I can't wait to see you in school.'
' Me neither, Hold on. I'll be there in a jiffy.'
She hangs up and screams.
'Jason huh?' Her dad says.
'Yeah. He's back. I can't believe it.' She says, excitedly.
' I can't believe after all my warning, you guys are still together.
' Dad, we've been through this before. Jason is a nice guy, you just need to get to know him better.'
'Alex, I've told you before. I don't trust that kid, there's something up with him.
'(Sarcastically) sure thing dad. You're probably worried, he'll sneak into my room at night and murder me.' She laughs
'Might not be you, it might be the other neighbours, your mom, even me.'
'You have a really wild imagination dad. I have to rush or I'll be late. Bye.'
She kisses his forehead.
'Bye honey.'
Alex is standing outside waiting for her driver to come pick her up. Her Friend, Emma walks over to her.
'Hi Alex'
'Have you seen Jason?'
'No, I haven't seen him all day.'
'Seriously? He's been roaming around the entire hallway all day. I think he might even be looking for you.'
'I guess or he's probably been busy with something coz he never called Me to find out where I was or something...'
'Well, I guess I'm not busy right now.' A voice from behind Alex says.
She hugs him.
'I'm so glad to see you.' She says almost screaming
He reaches out for her neck and holds her firmly while she leans forward for a kiss. A lot of onlookers stare at the two, as they remain in each others arms for a long while until Emma clears her throat loudly, interrupting the two
'Hmn So Jason, now your finally back, we got to celebrate or what do you think Alex?' Emma suggests
'Sure. That sounds like a great idea and Jason, you're going to tell us all about London and your time there. Its going to be amazing.'
'Sounds cool but guys, we are we going to have a party?' Jason asks
'We could do it at my house. I just need to ask my dad for permission first.' Alex says
'Guys, you don't really need to go through the trouble of throwing me a party. It's okay.'
'We are not taking no for an answer. This party must go on. Right Emma?'
' Right. I know a guy whose great with decorations'
Alex sees her driver.
'My driver's here. We'll talk on phone.'
'Bye, Alex' Jason kisses her cheek.
'Bye guys'. Alex strolls off

MYSTERY MURDEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora