Dear Rose

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Dear Rose,

If we waited a few more years that kid could've been mine. Everybody's doing fine. They're all excited for you, and your new life.

Sometimes Soda writes is too. Those are always good times. We wrote him about the news, but he hasn't gotten back yet.

I think he's doing good, but I just don't want him to get reckless... not with all these protests.

Pony says thanks for the gift he got in the mail. What did you get him though? He wouldn't tell.

Darry's finally relaxed. I'm proud him. I've missed hanging out with him. Now we're on the same level again. We even go bowling on the weekends.

Sylvia's doing great. She wants a baby of her own, but I don't know if I'm ready for all of that control.

Maybe I should be an uncle first? We all want to fly over for when you give birth.

Sorry to cut this letter short, I got to get to work. I love you so much. Be safe.


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