Chapter 14 "Madness"

Start from the beginning


The scene is madness!
Twenty Firehouses that border the neighborhood have been called, along with others who were off shift.
There's Police everywhere, along with the FBI and Homeland Security.
Most of the people in the houses were able to make it out alive. In all, eight people died.

Shaylynn and Halstead park their vehicles and get out. As they're getting out, Squad 3 comes walking around a corner.
With Severide in the lead, he sees that Shaylynn and Halstead arrived at the same time. He stops and stares. 


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"Shaylynn!" Dean yells at her, she takes off running to where he is putting her badge around her neck

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"Shaylynn!" Dean yells at her, she takes off running to where he is putting her badge around her neck.
Severide walks over to Halstead, "What the fuck, Jay! Why are you and Shaylynn arriving at the same time?"
Halstead looks at Severide and gets a shitty grin on his face, "I was fucking her in her office when we got the call to come here!" he tells Severide.
Severide hauls back and punches Halstead in the face knocking Halstead to the ground. Halstead gets up, he and Severide start going at it.
Squad 3 takes off running.

At the corner, Hank and Boden are talking. 

They look to the side and see the commotion that's going on down the street

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They look to the side and see the commotion that's going on down the street. Hank and Boden both take off running.
"BREAK IT UP!" Boden yells getting in between Severide and Halstead.
Dean and Sam point out what was going on between Severide and Halstead to Shaylynn. She starts running over.
"What the hell is going on between you two?" Boden asks them, "If this is personal keep it away from the job!"
Halstead and Severide back up from each other. Hank and Boden start walking back over to where they were as Shaylynn reaches Halstead and Severide.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Shaylynn asks them.
Severide looks at her, "He said he was fucking you in your office before you came here!" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Halstead and starts walking toward him until Severide grabs her, lifts her up off her feet, and starts carrying her away.
He sits her down by the Squad truck, "Shaylynn, what's going on? I thought we were going to get together tonight?" he asks her.
"We are! At least I thought we were!" she says to him, "Let's not talk out in the open, let's get in the truck!"
They both climb up into the Squad truck.
"Somehow the picture I sent you was also sent to Jay. He comes by my office all excited thinking I sent him the picture. And before I could explain to him that it was only meant for you, I was on my desk with him on top of me" she tells him.
Severide goes to grab the handle to the door, "Kelly, stop! This isn't the time or place!" Shaylynn tells him, "He shouldn't have told you what he did here! That was inexcusable!"
Severide looks at her, "Jay is always going to be a problem!" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Severide, "You know it's not just Jay that's a problem! What about the women you've been seen around town with!" she tells him, "I thought things were going well between us, but apparently I was wrong! With everything that has happened to me, was everything you did for me just for show?"
"All of that was before what happened to you! I haven't seen any women since!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn grabs the door handle, opens the door and steps down, "Shaylynn, I love you!" he tells her grabbing her hand.
She turns around and looks at him, "If that's true, you'll have to prove it! Because as of right now I don't believe you! We need to stop this because both of us have jobs to do!" she says walking away.
Severide quickly gets down out of the truck and grabs her arm, "I want to see you tonight!" he tells her.
"I don't know now, Kelly!" she tells him.
"Shaylynn, it's Christmas Eve!" he tells her.
"And? I'm serious Kelly! If you really love me like you say you do, you're going to have to prove it and stop the bimbo bullshit!" Shaylynn tells him.
"What about you and Jay?" he questions her.
"What about me and Jay? You see the difference here is I've only been with him since you and I separated! Where you've been with MULTIPLE women!" she says, "I have to go! I'd like to finish up with my job and get home!"
Shaylynn starts walking away leaving Severide standing in the middle of the street.  

Heat In The City (Raging Inferno) Ruling Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD)Where stories live. Discover now