chapter nineteen - kiss me: part one

Start from the beginning

"I'm saving my gift for you until after the party." A devilish grin crawls onto his face as he says this.

I scrunch up my face at his attempt to be seductive. "Thank you, guys." I giggle. "Okay, now we gotta get ready for the party."

We all cheer and Jovie and I run to the upstairs bathroom which is huge.

I take a quick shower first, and after I'm done, Jovie gets in while I blow dry my hair.

"Should I straighten or curl my hair?" I ask.

"Straighten." Jovie's replies. "So what's going on with you and Wall, Mustard?"

I grin and roll my eyes. "Well, after what happened after the club, I've thought about it and I realize that I... actually might like him. Like... a lot."

"AHH!" she screams happily. "I knew it!"

"Everyone alright?" Hair yells suddenly.

I laugh loudly. She probably scared the shit out of the guys. "Yeah!"


"Please don't say anything to anyone, though," I say to Jovie.

"I won't, but oh my God, I knew it! I knew it! Ugh, I'm so happy for you, baby!"

I grin nervously and when she gets out of the shower, she gets dressed into her tight red dress that reaches just above her knees, and she blow dries her hair while I put on my makeup. Jovie thought I should do a full face, so I decided that there wasn't anything wrong with doing that.

"Holy shit, you look good," she says as she curls her hair. "Can I straighten your hair for you?"

I chuckle. She loves doing my hair on account of how long it is. "Of course, baby."

She squeals happily and after she's done doing her hair, she sections off my hair and begins straightening it.

"So, what's going  on with you and Hair, Oreo?" I ask.

She sighs softly. "We decided it'd be a good idea to just be friends - at the most; friends with benefits. I kinda like it. What's going on with you and Khakis?"

"Just friends, luckily. I can't do any more drama."

"Preach it. Is Noah meeting us here or at the party?"

"Probably the party, we got no room for one more."

She chuckles and after she's done with my hair, she helps me with my false eyelashes, then I help her with her makeup.

"Are y'all done, it's been two hours!" Khakis suddenly cries from outside the door.

Jovie and I laugh and spritz on our perfume, then walk out.

"SHIT!" they shout.

Jovie and I grin at each other, flipping our hair. Hair stumbles to Jovie and I giggle, the five of us walking to the door. A hand suddenly smacks my butt and I gasp, turning, the front of Haze's body pressed against the front of mine. I grin at him as he squeezes my ass, keeping hold of it.

"Remember, Puppy," I murmur, gently pressing my pointer finger to his bottom lip, slightly pulling it down. "No touching."

He groans huskily into my ear. "You're mine, so I can."

I push him against the wall. "Until you kiss me, I'm my own."

He grips my waist but I push his arms gently away and walk out to the truck.

This is gonna be fun.


When we get to the party, I can't believe how many people are here, but it looks fun. Jovie and I head straight to the drinks to loosen up.

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